The New Moon in Capricorn arrives just as we begin to feel the buzz of New Year’s energy. Resolutions are being whispered, calendars are being purchased, and everyone is thinking about what the next 12 months might hold. This is Capricorn’s domain—big-picture thinking paired with the grit to make things happen. But this year’s New Moon has an extra twist: a supportive sextile to Saturn in Pisces. It’s not just about ambition, it’s about ambition with heart, intention, and willingness to grow.
Libra Season: Why Balancing Life Feels Like a Full-Time Job Right Now
Hi, Storm Chasers!
Welcome to Libra season, where balance is the name of the game, and indecision becomes a sport! If you’ve been feeling like you’re standing at a crossroads with no idea which way to turn, you’re not alone. Libra energy brings the need to weigh every decision, like a life-or-death situation—even if it’s just picking out what socks to wear.
Libra is all about balance, harmony, and fairness. The scales symbolize it, meaning this is the time of year when we’re all striving for equilibrium. But as any Libra will tell you, the path to balance is paved with second-guessing, endless debate, and a lot of “What if?”
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Astrology Forecast for the Week of December 20, 2021 – December 26, 2021
The astrology forecast for the week of December 20, 2021 thru December 26, 2021 features four major aspects (Mercury trine Uranus, Saturn square Uranus, Venus Rx conjunct Pluto, and Mercury sextile Neptune) and the beginning of Capricorn season.
Since a lot is going on, let’s get on with the show.
Cosmic Overview
The cosmic overview’s focus is something we have covered for the past year – Saturn square Uranus.
This week we have the final showdown between Saturn and Uranus. But keep in mind that planetary aspects have orbs, and Saturn square Uranus will continue to be active throughout 2022. However, they will never reach an exact aspect again until 2032, when they will conjoin in late Gemini.
In astrology, Saturn symbolizes the structures in our lives, whether that be the government, our careers, or our station in life. Saturn seeks stability, so he likes to hold onto things and doesn’t like change. On the other hand, Uranus likes progress, is rebellious, and likes to shake up the system. He finds the ‘establishment’ boring and, at its worst, corrupt. Since this aspect is a square, there is enormous tension between these two planets. If you lean towards the Saturn side of the square, change can be seen as suspect, disruptive, and chaotic. If you lean towards Uranus, you will see structure as limiting, restrictive, and only concerned with the selfish need to hold onto power and authority.
So, this gives you a whiff of the reason why the political landscape is currently so toxic!
Working with this aspect is not easy. It’s tough work, and it requires a lot of reflection and honesty. So naturally, based on our personal charts, we will gravitate to one side of the aspect or the other. However, the way to work with Saturn square Uranus proactively is to look at the areas of your life that need change and devise a plan to enact those changes in a way that you feel comfortable. A quick way to look at what needs to change is to look at the houses Saturn and Uranus are transiting in your chart. Here is a cheat sheet that will help you with the keywords.
Just remember, the more you work with the planets, the easier they are to manage. It’s when you deny giving them attention and pretend they do not exist; they become troublesome.
Now, on with the forecast…
Daily Breakdown
Monday, December 20, 2021
We start the week with a beneficial trine between Mercury in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. It’s an excellent day to think outside the box and develop new solutions to old problems. You will find your intuition increased, which will help you make decisions. New ideas will be tantalizing and may lead you down a new path of discovery.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Happy Yule! On Tuesday, we leave Sagittarius behind and settle into the season of the sea-goat. Capricorn is a cardinal sign that likes to make things happen. So, it’s not surprising that we make New Year’s resolutions or start new things during Capricorn season. To put it more simply, Capricorn season is about taking care of business (personal and professional), and to achieve a prosperous New Year, you must plant the seeds. Just make sure what you plant will be fruitful.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
The Moon spends its first full day in fiery Leo. During the morning hours, the Moon trines Mars, and if used correctly, this will give you a much-needed energy boost. However, expect frustrations and unexpected surprises during the afternoon as the Moon activates the upcoming square between Saturn and Uranus. Be proactive, not reactive.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
The Moon continues its trek through Leo, and you may need a ‘do you’ day before the holiday madness begins. So, have a bit of fun and enjoy yourself. Also, a bit of pampering and self-care never hurt anyone.
Friday, December 24, 2021
Besides Saturn squaring Uranus (see above), the Moon moves into diligent Virgo during the early morning hours. The Moon forms a lovely trine to the Sun in Capricorn, which is a harmonious aspect for getting things done. However, get all your holiday shopping and chores done as early as possible, because this evening the Moon squares discordant Mars.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas to all that celebrate!
I feel like the Grinch that stole Christmas, because the cosmic energy is problematic and tense. Today, Venus retrograde conjoins Pluto in Capricorn. Relationships that are strained may experience the brunt of this aspect, because Venus conjunct Pluto signifies the need for change in relationships. Your emotions may be intense, and you may need to manage them cautiously. Moreover, ignoring relationship problems out of fear of change could lead to further complications. Avoid manipulation tactics even if you feel justified.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
We close the week with a harmonious sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. After an intense holiday, you may need a break to get in touch with your personal thoughts and feelings, and Mercury sextile Neptune can provide deep insight and understanding. If need be, go to your quiet place and listen to your gut; it will not misguide you.
See you next week!
December 2021 Astro Magic Overview
The good news about December is that at least it’s not November, which was the most troubling month of the year. However, December has its own challenges – a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, the final showdown between Saturn and Uranus, and Venus retrograde in Capricorn. But December also has one ray of light that should not be ignored, as Jupiter (the Great Benefic) leaves the sign of Aquarius and moves into Pisces. So, help is on the way.
Thank the gods, just sayin’!
But first, let’s talk about Sagittarius season…
Out of the Phoenix’s ashes, the archer rises and points his arrow into the eternal heavens. It’s a drastic shift in energies from the discomfort we faced during Scorpio season. Scorpio season is about facing our fears, phobias, and working on our dysfunctions (and yes, we all have them); whereas Sagittarius season is about looking to the future — onward and upward.
In mythology, Jupiter, the King of the gods, rules the heavens, and likewise, he is the ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter was a benevolent deity, but he had a little zipper problem. He couldn’t seem to keep it up! His Greek counterpart, Zeus, was always at odds with his wife Hera because of his numerous affairs and the many children from his illicit unions. Now, we can easily get caught up in the stories of a male deity constantly cheating on his wife, but stories (as repulsive as some may be), in many ways, describe archetypal energies through imagery and artistic prose. However, Zeus’ illicit affairs and conquests are not necessarily about male dominance and womanizing; they reveal this fiery god’s need to fertilize the sea of possibilities. The focus is on tomorrow’s potential and what can be created, not the real world of today, which is a feature found in all the fire signs.
Likewise, Hera (Zeus’s wife) is not merely an insecure, desperate housewife who enacts her revenge on her husband, his mistresses, and his illegitimate progeny. Instead, Hera reflects the real world of obligations, responsibilities, contracts/agreements, and the stabilizing effect of the element of earth. After all, Sagittarius needs grounding in a real-world so it can give birth to creative visions.
During Sagittarius season, we need to leave the past behind and focus on the future. Magically speaking, we can use this potent energy to create goals (realistic ones), juice up our inspiration, and focus on the world we can create. It’s excellent for returning to school, studying something new, visiting faraway places, and increasing personal vitality.
Recommended Candles: Jupiter (Astro Magic), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo)
5 Ways to Make the Most of Sagittarius Season
- Fire Magic: Do you remember when you were a child, and you blew out a birthday candle and made a wish? Guess what? You were doing fire magic, and candle magic is one of its chief tools. You can use fire magic any time of the year, but it’s exceptionally potent during Sagittarius season. Other forms of fire magic are scrying, burning incense, and charging objects by the light of the Sun. Use fire magic if you are looking for a boost of energy or a bit of gumption.
Recommended Candles: The Sun (Astro Magic), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal Candle), Success (Affirmation)
- Intuition Magic: Psychotherapist Carl Jung believed that intuition is linked to the fire element, which Sagittarius is a proud member. You can use intuition magic to boost your psychic abilities, practice divination, and even by scrying with a candle flame and a mirror.
Recommended Candles: Ancestors (Blessed Herbal), Intuition (Affirmation), Clarity (Chakra Magic) - Good Luck Magic: Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, and he is known for luck and good fortune. But what is luck really? Is it something completely random, or is it stretching our perception to take advantage of presented opportunities? Good luck magic helps put the odds in your favor!
Recommended Candles: Jupiter (AstroMagic), Black Cat (Motor City Hoodoo), Wishin’ Mojo (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo. - Travel Magic: Are you taking a trip and need to make sure that everything goes your way? Sagittarius is associated with long-distance travel – the actual kind and the mental kind. So, you can use this season to plan trips and to open your mind to other viewpoints and ideas. The energy of the season helps remove any obstacles that may be in your way. You can also use this type of magic for astral travel.
Recommended Candles: Mercury (AstroMagic), Meditation (Affirmation), Answers (Chakra Magic) - Prosperity Magic: Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is the great benefic and is known for bestowing blessings in the astrology chart. So, like Venus, he is associated with prosperity and financial gain. You can use the energy of Sagittarius to open doors, increase your finances, or get abundance flowing in your life. To make this energy more potent, do prosperity magic on a Thursday. Thursday is the day associated with the King of the Gods.
Recommended Candles: Jupiter (AstroMagic), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Road Opener (Motor City Hoodoo)
November 2021 AstroMagic Overview
I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that occurs on December 24th. So many themes of the past two years will resurface and be triggered as planets move through the sign of Scorpio. Also, we begin eclipse season on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in money-oriented Taurus. So, buckle your seat belt!
Now, let’s dive into Scorpio season…
Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio. The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio’s powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.
There are various versions of Medusa’s origin story, but in all of them she is violated by the God Poseidon, and the result is a woman transformed by her outrage and bitterness. Medusa’s face is the embodiment of the horrors of life’s unfairness. If one stumbles across her and stares directly into her eyes, they become paralyzed and turn to stone.
On the personal level, the Medusa lives in all of us. We all experience life’s unfairness, whether directly, indirectly, or incidentally, and some life experiences leave us paralyzed. Psychologically, these experiences turn people into stone, and they become fixated on their wounds, unable to break free, preventing their growth and personal development.
Perseus (the son of Zeus) is tasked with going into Medusa’s layer, at the opening of the underworld (the unconscious), to slay the serpentine monster and retrieve her head. Perseus receives help on his mission from several divine beings who give him a few magical items. He enters Medusa’s lair and ultimately finds her. He uses a magical shield (think mirror) so that he does not look at Medusa directly, and then he cuts off her head and puts it in a magic bag. Once Medusa’s head is severed, out of the toxic blood and poison, Pegasus is born – a beautiful creature that becomes Perseus’s companion.
The good news is that myth always provides a solution, even to the most complex stories. Medusa represents our repressed toxic pain or self-defeating behaviors that leave us stuck and unable to grow. These feelings and behaviors have grown over time and taken over our lives. Perseus represents the process of working through our issues, and he does so by staring into a mirror. Now, I do not know about you, but when I look into a mirror, I see myself. So, Perseus reflects turning inward and seeing oneself honestly, and by seeing things clearly, one can turn toxic poisons into something productive and worthwhile. The horrors of Medusa transform into Pegasus, and out of the darkness of Scorpio comes the light of consciousness, and ultimately, freedom from toxins.
This is the power of Scorpio season. We can use its energy to transform the areas of our lives wounded into powerful tools that we can use to give life more meaning.
Recommended Candles: The Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal).
The Astrology Forecast for September 20, 2021 – September 26, 2021
The astrology forecast for September 20, 2021 – September 26, 2021, features four aspects (Mercury trine Jupiter, Mercury square Pluto, Venus opposes Uranus, and Mars trines Saturn), the Full Moon in Pisces, and the beginning of Libra season.
Cosmic Highlight:
The main highlight of the week is the Full Moon in Pisces, which happens on Monday. So, get out your snorkel; it’s time to swim. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak, so it’s an auspicious time to focus on your dreams, meditation, creativity, and connecting with spirit. Since the Full Moon starts a two-week cycle of releasing and letting go of things that no longer serve you, it’s an excellent time to work on addictions and self-defeating behaviors. Use this cycle wisely.
Now, on with the forecast…
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