The Course Material for Storm Cestavani’s Astro 101
(** Course Material will be updated when future posts are published)
Introduction to Astrology — Storm Cestavani’s Astro 101
It’s Back to School Time + Exercise 1
Psychological Model of the Psyche — Jungian Model of the Psyche in order to expose students to psychological terminology necessary for Astro 101.
Down and Dirty History of Astrology — A brief history of Astrology.
The Astronomy of Astrology — A look at the figures in the solar system that matter the most in astrology.
Introduction to the Astrological Planets — A brief introduction to planets and how they are similar to Jungian archetypes.
The Astrological Signs Part 1 — Gender in the Horoscope — Part 1 of our exploration of the astrological signs based on Jung’s typology of introversion and extraversion.
The Astrological Signs Part 2 — The Astrological Elements — Part 2 of our exploration of the astrological signs based on Jung’s four psychological functions.
The Astrological Signs Part 3 — The Astrological Modalities — Part 3 of our exploration of the astrological signs. This class we focus on the three astrological modalities of cardinal, fixed, and mutable.
The Astrological Signs Part 4 — Keywords — Part 4 of our exploration of the astrological signs. This class focuses on basic keywords for the beginner student.
An Introduction to the Astrological Houses — The beginning of our second term. In this post, we introduce the houses of astrology and how they differ from signs.
Hemisphere Balance — How does hemisphere balance affect your chart? In this lesson, we explore the north, south, east, and western hemispheres of the horoscope including interpretive material.
Introduction to Aspects — Discussion of the major astrological aspects in the horoscope.
Audio Resources:
Finding Your Inner Gold — The Moon — Keep It Magic Episode with Jacki Smith and Storm Cestavani exploring the Astrological Moon through a mythological and psychological lens.
Finding Your Inner Gold — The Sun — Keep It Magic Episode with Jacki Smith and Storm Cestavani exploring the Astrological Moon through the lens of the hero’s journey.
Finding your Inner Gold — Mercury — Keep It Magic Episode with Jacki Smith and Storm Cestavani exploring the Astrological Mercury as he pertains to communication, magic, and our ability to understand life.
Finding Your Inner Gold — Venus — Keep It Magic Episode with Jacki Smith and Storm Cestavani exploring the Astrological Venus and her connection to relationships, values, and eroticism.
Supplemental Resources:
Astrologers Cheat Sheet —Barbara Schermer’s Cheat Sheet.
Astrological Table of Correspondences — A complete list of planetary correspondences created by Clare Martin.
How To Read Your Computerized Astrology Chart — Storm Cestavani’s article on how to read a computer generated horoscope.
Free Astrology Chart — Free Chart Services located on the website for students of Storm Cestavani’s Astro 101 Course.
Jung’s Archetypes — A complete (yet simple) explanation of Jungian Archetypes from
On Depth Psychology — Its Meaning and Magic — A wonderful article by Bonnie Bright who has a ton of resources and authors for those that are interested in exploring Depth Psychology on a deeper level.
Myers Briggs Typology Test — This is the best website for finding your psychological type. Remember, Jung referred to types not as static character types, yet as types of consciousness.
Debunking the Mercury Retrograde Myth — An article focusing on how Mercury really works and dispelling any myths that have been created as Mercury Retrograde has been monopolized by pop culture.
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