I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that occurs on December 24th. So many themes of the past two years will resurface and be triggered as planets move through the sign of Scorpio. Also, we begin eclipse season on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in money-oriented Taurus. So, buckle your seat belt!
Now, let’s dive into Scorpio season…
Reptiles have always been associated with the sign of Scorpio. The symbolism of the snake shedding its skin reflects Scorpio’s powers of transformation and its natural association with death and disintegration. And there is no better figure to represent the sign of the scorpion than the mythic Medusa.
There are various versions of Medusa’s origin story, but in all of them she is violated by the God Poseidon, and the result is a woman transformed by her outrage and bitterness. Medusa’s face is the embodiment of the horrors of life’s unfairness. If one stumbles across her and stares directly into her eyes, they become paralyzed and turn to stone.
On the personal level, the Medusa lives in all of us. We all experience life’s unfairness, whether directly, indirectly, or incidentally, and some life experiences leave us paralyzed. Psychologically, these experiences turn people into stone, and they become fixated on their wounds, unable to break free, preventing their growth and personal development.
Perseus (the son of Zeus) is tasked with going into Medusa’s layer, at the opening of the underworld (the unconscious), to slay the serpentine monster and retrieve her head. Perseus receives help on his mission from several divine beings who give him a few magical items. He enters Medusa’s lair and ultimately finds her. He uses a magical shield (think mirror) so that he does not look at Medusa directly, and then he cuts off her head and puts it in a magic bag. Once Medusa’s head is severed, out of the toxic blood and poison, Pegasus is born – a beautiful creature that becomes Perseus’s companion.
The good news is that myth always provides a solution, even to the most complex stories. Medusa represents our repressed toxic pain or self-defeating behaviors that leave us stuck and unable to grow. These feelings and behaviors have grown over time and taken over our lives. Perseus represents the process of working through our issues, and he does so by staring into a mirror. Now, I do not know about you, but when I look into a mirror, I see myself. So, Perseus reflects turning inward and seeing oneself honestly, and by seeing things clearly, one can turn toxic poisons into something productive and worthwhile. The horrors of Medusa transform into Pegasus, and out of the darkness of Scorpio comes the light of consciousness, and ultimately, freedom from toxins.
This is the power of Scorpio season. We can use its energy to transform the areas of our lives wounded into powerful tools that we can use to give life more meaning.
Recommended Candles: The Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal).
5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Scorpio Season:
- Remove Self-Defeating Behaviors: Yes, whether we want to admit it, we all have them. These are the behaviors we repeatedly engage in that have no value and limit our relationships with others. For example, some people have anger issues. Whenever they feel cornered, trapped, or frustrated, they become angry. The anger never resolves their issues, but often alarms other people, limiting, or even severing their interactions. Scorpio season is an excellent month to address these issues and banish them from your life.
Recommended Candles: Saturn (GTFO, Get the F Out), Needed Changes/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Poof (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), and Success (Chakra Magic) - Resolving Familial Curses: Do you have experiences in your life that have been repeated generation after generation? This could be poverty mindsets, toxic relationship problems, or even health issues. Scorpio season is a great month to break the family curse and create new dynamics in your life.
Recommended Candles: Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Tornado Alley (Wicked Witch Mojo), Ancestor (Blessed Herbal) - Eliminating Negative Patterns: This is a close cousin to family curses. Do you often repeat the same mistakes over and over? You consistently take a job with a controlling boss, or you get involved with the same person, they just have a different face? Scorpio season is excellent for removing negative patterns and eliminating them from your life once and for all.
Recommended Candles: Moon (Do You!), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Jinx Removing (Blessing Kit), Ninja Power (Wicked Good Sprays) - Past Life Karma Issues: Again, this issue is a close cousin to familial curses. Many of us have accrued karma over many lifetimes, and it seems like the Cosmic Gods have decided this lifetime is the one where we pay the piper. So, if you have had a regression and are suffering from trauma related to a past life or simply need to clean out that energy, then Scorpio season is the time to work on these issues, release energies, and purify your soul.
Recommended Candles: Saturn (GTFO, Get the F Out), Transitions (Blessing Kit), Outa My Way (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), Uncrossing (Motor City Hoodoo) - Healing: Do you have health problems or psychological issues that need healing? Well, there is no better month than this one to do it. The power of Scorpio season gives us the ability to transform energies, even those that ail us.
Recommended Candles: Sun (Curse Breaker), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Healing (Heart Chakra Magic).
Lunar Magic:
New Moon in Scorpio:
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on November 4th, and it is in partile opposition (same degree) to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of freedom, and this New Moon is excellent if you want to shake things up and reinvent your life. There is a small warning: don’t play with Uranus, make damn sure you want dynamic change before activating this planetary energy.
Recommend Candles: Mars (IDGAF), Crown of Glory (Motor City Hoodoo), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), New Moon (Let it Grow!)
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus:
This month, we have a lunar eclipse Full Moon that occurs on November 19th in the sign of Taurus. The eclipse is conjoined with the malefic fixed star Alcyone, so this eclipse is intense, and because it is in a fixed sign (Taurus), the energies will be long-lasting. So, pay close attention to the events happening in your life during the week of the eclipse. I do not recommend any aggressive magic during eclipses. Instead, I recommend self-improvement and protection spells.
Recommended Candles: Jupiter (Lucky Star), Meditation (Affirmation), Spiritual Cleansing (Motor City Hoodoo), and Smudge Spray (Wicked Good Sprays).
Weekly Breakdown
November 1, 2021 – November 7, 2021
You may feel a bit of deja’vu this week as Mercury moves through Libra, trines Jupiter, and squares Pluto.
The beginning of the week is beneficial for planning the future, business transactions, and contract signings. You can also clearly discern the truth and use it to your advantage. However, try not to be too zealous, because it could backfire with Mercury Square Pluto.
On Thursday, the Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Expect the unexpected and investigate all options before making a concrete decision. But be careful, the Sun oppose Uranus can be accident prone.
This weekend, Venus moves into Capricorn, Mercury moves into Scorpio, and Mercury sextiles Venus. It’s a wonderful weekend for love and romantic feelings. For those in relationships, a date night may be in order.
Recommended Candles: Jupiter (Lucky Star), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), Protection (Blessed Herbal), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)
November 8, 2021 – November 14, 2021
The beginning of the week starts with the Moon in dutiful Capricorn. It’s an excellent time to focus on work and career concerns and use this energy to finish tasks that need completion.
The bulk of the energy this week occurs on Wednesday when Mercury and Mars tangle with Saturn. You may feel misunderstood and unappreciated by those around you, leading to feelings of frustration. Try to be deliberate and methodical in all your actions, and make sure you put a watch on your tongue. You may say something you will later regret!
This weekend, the Sun forms a beautiful trine to Neptune. It’s an excellent weekend to focus on spiritual matters, so you may want some alone time to connect with spirit. However, be on guard Sunday when Mercury opposes Uranus. Your thoughts may be scattered, undisciplined, and you may experience mild anxiety.
Recommended Candles: Road Opener (Motor City Hoodoo), Mars (IDGAF), Meditation (Affirmation), Stability (Blessed Herbal)
November 15, 2021 – November 21, 2021
It’s going to be a busy week with cosmic energy occurring every day.
On Monday and Tuesday, the Sun aspects Jupiter and Pluto. It’s an auspicious time to make changes in your life, claim your power, and level up. Plus, Jupiter will help provide you with a boost of positivity.
Trouble is brewing midweek, as Mars opposes Uranus. Try to avoid acting impulsively and avoid confrontations with others. This aspect is explosive, so you may need to master the art of walking away. It may be best to wear a hard hat and shin guards, if necessary.
The energy lightens over the weekend, beginning with Venus trine Uranus. It’s an excellent weekend to shake things up and do something different. Perhaps, you should do something you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t had time. On Sunday, the Sun moves into Sagittarius. Let the season of good will towards men begin.
Recommended Candles: Sun (Curse Breaker), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Van Van (Motor City Hoodoo), Wishin’ Mojo (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo
November 22, 2021 – November 28, 2021
The last week of November, the energy lightens enormously, with only Mercury moving into Sagittarius, and the Sun conjoining Mercury.
We start the week off with the Moon moving through family-oriented Cancer. Connecting with family members and loved ones will be important this week. It’s also an excellent time to do some home improvements or redecorating.
On Wednesday, Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into fiery Sagittarius. Your mind will focus on potentials and possibilities, rather than the day-to-day grind. It’s time to focus on your goals and develop strategies to achieve them.
This weekend should be relatively enjoyable, with the Sun conjoined to Mercury. Use this energy to connect with friends and your social network.
Recommended Candles: Home Blessing (Blessed Herbal), Mercury (Truth Serum), Crown of Glory (Motor City Hoodoo), Success (Chakra Magic)
November AstroMagic is a collaboration between Storm Cestavani and Coventry Creations.
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