The astrology forecast for the week of December 13, 2021 through December 19, 2021 features two sign changes (Mars and Mercury), a Full Moon in Gemini, Venus turning retrograde in Capricorn, and an extremely positive aspect between the Sun and Jupiter.
We have a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in!
Cosmic Overview
The cosmic event of the week is Venus turning retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday. Relationships are under the gun, and Venus continues to move backwards throughout the month of January (or at least until January 29th). Further, Venus remains copresent with Pluto, which adds to the intensity of this Venus cycle. So, to help you stay on track, I’ve included a checklist – and who doesn’t like a checklist?
7 Point Checklist for Venus Retrograde
- Review Relationships – During Venus retrograde, our major relationships are under review. It’s time to do a little emotional inventory and decide the current status of your relationships and whether changes need to be made.
- Boundaries – Over time, relationships can get out of control. We can let things slide by thinking that they are ‘one time’ events and before you know it, they are part of the relationship dynamic. Sometimes you need boundaries! In my experience as a coach, people are often afraid of boundaries because they fear losing the relationship. But I’ve got a newsflash – if someone exits a relationship because of boundaries, then the relationship had a faulty foundation. Boundaries are tools to use to prevent problems from flaring up. They are about preservation, not dissolution.
- Balance – Are you putting more effort into your relationship than your partner? If so, you need to find some balance. Nobody wants to be taken advantage of, disrespected, or taken for granted. Relationships that suffer from balance problems usually end up with a partner becoming resentful, and there is nothing more toxic to a relationship than resentment.
- Unrealistic Expectations: Expectations can be a major problem in relationships, because they can lead to buyers’ remorse. Often people believe a relationship is headed somewhere when it is not. So, if you are looking for structure, foundation, long-term commitment, and eventually getting married, and your partner isn’t interested in taking on that type of relationship, problems will occur. Use Venus retrograde to find out if you are aligned with your partner, and if not, it might be time to SWIPE RIGHT.
- Fantasy or Reality: This is a close cousin to expectations, except it can include a ton of other (some dark) things. Let me cut to the chase – if you think your partner will magically change one day and want the same things that you do, then Venus retrograde may be troubling. Or if you believe your male friend of five years will one day wake up and realize he wants you, then Venus Rx could be an eye-opening experience revealed in March, likely with some unsettling news. It’s time to view relationships honestly, and accept them for what they are, not what you want them to be.
- The Young and the Ex’s: All retrogrades mean it’s time to review the past, and Venus is no exception. Often former relationship partners resurface, especially if there was a lack of closure. Sometimes our old feelings may lead us to question whether there is a future? However, in most cases, former relationships that resurface have a purpose: to show you how much you have grown. Remember, there is a reason your ex is an ex, and it’s often best to pass them by and leave them in the rear-view mirror.
- Money, Money, Money – In addition to love, Venus rules money. While Venus is retrograde, it’s the perfect time to put your finances into perspective. Even if you are doing well, it never hurts to balance your checkbook, renegotiate your interest rates, and create a plan to reduce your debt. One thing to avoid during Venus retrograde is making investments.
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