The astrology forecast for the week of November 22, 2021 through November 28, 2021 features only two astrological events – Mercury moves into Sagittarius, and the Sun joins Mercury at the end of the week. So, after two turbulent forecasts, we get a bit of relief.
Cosmic Overview
We are now fully in Sagittarius season, and after the fireworks of Scorpio season, the energy of the centaur archer is welcomed. The sign of Sagittarius is about potential, possibilities, and faith in a better life. It’s not a sudden Christmas miracle that fills people with good tidings, generosity, and wonderment. It’s just the season – Sagittarius, that is.
This Sagittarius season features Jupiter making his last stand in Aquarius before he slips out of the dark Lord Saturn’s grasp. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and optimism, and it is easy to see that his blessings have been curtailed over the past two years while dancing with Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius. However, despite Jupiter’s position, Sagittarius season encourages us to perceive life’s potentials, and it’s an excellent time to create your goals and resolutions for 2022. That way you are ready to go – ON DAY ONE!
Now, on with the forecast…
Monday, November 22, 2021
We start the week off with the Moon moving through emotional Cancer. You may find yourself in the feels throughout the day. Simply, make sure you do not let your emotions control you. Instead, feel and acknowledge them, and find practical ways to deal with them when they surface. You may need to nurture yourself, get plenty of rest, hydrate, and do some self-care.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
The Moon continues its trek through the sign of the crab, and she forms a lovely trine to Mars during the morning hours. It’s an excellent time to get things done and work on things that need a little effort. Later in the afternoon, the Moon trines spiritual Neptune, which is wonderful for meditation and inner reflection. This evening would be the perfect time to Netflix and chill.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
After lurking in the darkness for the past few weeks, Mercury moves out of Scorpio and basks in the light of Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius is not concerned with facts and details, as they are only stepping stones for possibilities. Mercury in Sagittarius is extremely intuitive and able to anticipate trends and turn them into opportunities. While Mercury is in Sagittarius, it’s time to look at the possible and create a strategy to achieve results. Focus on the big picture and leave the past behind.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving! The Moon moves through fiery Leo and makes some troubling aspects to Saturn, Uranus, and Mars. Tensions may be high throughout the day, especially if you are overly invested in your point of view. It’s best to avoid people that may antagonize you, and stay away from discussing hot button issues.
Friday, November 26, 2021
The Moon continues to move through Leo most of the day. Your spirits should be high, and your attitude should be optimistic. However, since the Moon opposes expansive Jupiter in Aquarius, be careful of ‘Black Friday’ spending because you could easily overextend yourself.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
The Moon moves through Virgo throughout the day on Saturday. It’s an auspicious day to take care of tasks and responsibilities that may have piled up over the last week. The Moon forms a lovely trine to Uranus this evening, so do something spontaneous and carefree.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
We close the week out with a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius. It’s a perfect day to hang out with your tribe, engage in enthusiastic conversation, and socialize with others. Since Mercury rules commerce, it’s also fantastic for business activities, transactions, and negotiations. Further, you may receive profound insight into your current needs, which can help you craft your future.
See you next week!
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