(Jupiter moves into Virgo at 7:11 AM EST. If you have planets in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn, then this forecast will have more significant meaning for you. If you do not have a copy of your astrology chart, you can get one for free on my website, which comes with a free tutorial.)
Happy New Year. It’s time to celebrate!
Okay, it’s not New Years. Instead, we have our yearly Jupiter sign change and this year Jupiter moves into Virgo.
Last year, while Jupiter was in Leo, the cosmic forces were urging us to self-develop. It was a year of experiencing ourselves as individual, and to value ourselves on the most fundamental of levels. It was a year of getting in touch with who we are and striving to be the best person we can be.
This year, everything changes. The sign of Virgo is an earth sign and it’s not so concerned with inner goals and ambition, as it is concerned with the way we manage our day to day lives – which is our jobs, activities, hobbies, health, and even the exercise we do. In other words, for many, the boring stuff.
But, despite Virgo being an earth sign and concerned with more mundane matters, it affects our inner lives as well.
You see, our outer lives are really a manifestation of our inner world and reflects how we may feel about ourselves on a very deep level. If you are depressed, then your outer life is going to be influenced by your depression. Conversely, if you are unhappy with your outer life (career, work, social circle, finances, health), then your inner world is going to be influenced. In essence, Virgo is the sign that manages both our inner and outer worlds.
As Jupiter moves into Virgo, it’s a yearly cycle where our focus should be on life management. There are many areas of our lives that need to be managed more efficiently, repaired, or changed all together. It’s time to closely examine our daily rituals, habits, and hobbies. In most cases, changing and expanding our outer environment will directly influence our inner world and will help us feel more contentment and happiness in our lives.
Now, let’s find out how Jupiter in Virgo affects each sign.
How Jupiter in Virgo Will Influence You
Below I give you the tea on how Jupiter will influence all of the astrological signs. This will give you an area of focus on how to work with this energy in your life over the next year. You can read this for your sign and if you know your rising sign, I would suggest you reading that description as well. If you need a copy of your chart you can get one for FREE including a tutorial on how to read the chart.
Aries: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 6th house. The 6th house pertains to your job, day to day activities, your rituals, health, and your responsibilities. Of course, this can be rather drab and far from exciting for the king of the gods, yet it is one of the houses we see enormous benefits. Jupiter likes to expand your consciousness and provide a ‘higher’ meaning to the day to day grind of the 6th house, which on its deepest level refers to your house of personal growth. This is a great year for you to put your life in order and you will notice improvement in your job, satisfaction with your responsibilities and overall good health. In fact, do not be surprised if you take on additional responsibilities because people will be pleased with your performance. Further, Jupiter in the 6th could signify new job opportunities and promotions for a job well done. However, there is one warning with Jupiter in the 6th, Jupiter expands the house it transits and since the 6th house represents your health and the physical world, there could be a tendency to gain weight. It would be a good idea to maintain a regular fitness regime and balanced diet at this time.
Taurus: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 5th house. The next year for you is going to focus on personal growth and expansion of who you are as an individual. You will begin to understand your life with greater wisdom, and despite past frustrations, will perceive the big picture. Your creative juices will flow like never before, and if you are artistically inclined, financial gain is likely through your craft. Since the 5th house rules children, your relationship with your own (if you have them) will take center stage and a deeper emotional bond will naturally occur. Finally, your relationships with others around you will go through great improvement throughout the year. As you tear down walls and barriers and begin to express yourself with courage and tenacity, you will notice the important people around you responding favorably.
Gemini: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 4th house. The 4th house is mysterious because it rules our private parts – our innermost self and governs our home, family, personal life, and our past. While Jupiter is transiting your solar 4th, you may find the need to seek inner peace and meaning. In the outer world, this is a year to focus on real estate – whether that is purchasing a new home or doing repairs and renovations. Further, you will find your relationship with your family enhanced and Jupiter’s benefic influence will provide an opportunity for old issues or familial problems to be resolved. On the inner level, Jupiter moving through the 4th is a cycle of personal focus. It is a natural time to withdraw from the outer world and its trappings and focus on creating a secure future. If we do not have a secure inner world of peace and harmony, it is going to be difficult for you to find happiness in the outer world.
Cancer: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 3rd house of communication. In most textbooks, the 3rd house is delegated to the house of communication, early education, and siblings. However, after working with charts for the past 25 years, I have come to understand the 3rd house as the place in the horoscope where we process our experiences. In fact, I believe one of the most undervalued resources we have are the experiences felt via the events, circumstances, and people we have encountered that helps formulate who we are as individuals. While Jupiter is in the 3rd, the ‘social butterfly’ will emerge and the number of people in your social circle will expand. This transit provokes an enormous urge to learn and express yourself to others in order to formulate your own unique opinions about life. Further, because you need to experience more of the world in order to expand your consciousness, a return to school, taking a trade course, or expanding our education is likely. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and with Jupiter transiting the 3rd, you are likely to find it working overtime.
Leo: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your value oriented 2nd house. In traditional astrology, the 2nd house governs money and resources. In modern astrology, money and resources are viewed as symbols of what you value. I have long believed that the most powerful book of revelation is a checkbook. Your financial ledgers provide you with clear and concise information about what you truly value because it is what we spend our money on. This is not to say that Jupiter in the 2nd house will not expand your resources; it will. In fact, it will expand everything that you give value to – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Since the 2nd house does involve financial resources, this is a great time for investments. However, you have to be careful with Jupiter in the 2nd house not to overindulge, overspend, or mismanage our money. This placement can often lead to spending money that you may not have. In the case of the 2nd house, too much of anything can be as harmful as not enough.
Virgo: This is your lucky year because Jupiter will transit through your personal oriented 1st house. Doors that have been closed and opportunities that have been denied will open up for you with minimal effort throughout the year. The main thing for you to focus on this being a major cycle of growth combined with an opportunity to express who you are by shining (and sharing) your inner light. Further, you will notice that people are drawn to you like never before (or at least since 2003) and are more than willing to help you achieve success. Use your increased self-confidence and charisma to your advantage. Moreover, do not waste this year, Christmas in the astrological world only happens once every 12 years, and this year Santa delivers the presents to you.
Libra: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 12th house. Out of all the houses of the horoscope, the 12th house may be the most confusing. Traditional astrology has labeled it the house of self-undoing and its association with hospitals and prisons always raise a curious eyebrow or two. In modern astrology, the 12th house reflects the patterns, drives, and compulsions that operate beneath the level of conscious awareness, but not in the personal sense, yet those habits and dysfunctions which have been passed down from generation to generation. Jupiter in the 12th can be a blessing or a curse. On one hand, this transit augurs a time when one begins (often for the first time) to see their inner truth. Circumstances, situations, and events begin to have meaning and one begins to acquire insight into their lives. Often this opens the doors to a spiritual journey of self-discoveries. On the other hand, Jupiter’s transit represents where we begin to seek the truth and in the 12th house the truth lies within oneself. If one does not have the inner courage or current capabilities, one will seek “their” truth through escapism – sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, food or any other reckless behavior. Simply put, Jupiter in the 12th house is a year for you to do inner work and access the real you.
Scorpio: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 11th house. Traditional astrology has described the 11th house as clubs, friends, hopes and wishes and like the 12th house these descriptions are often not helpful. In many ways, the 11th house reflects your need to be bigger than who you are and to strive towards improving your life. You will do this through becoming involved with individuals beyond your familial structure. Your friends, associates and likeminded individuals fulfill these requirements and assist you by providing networks to encourage your success. Jupiter in the 11threflects a cycle where your social circle can assist you in achieving your hopes and wishes for the future. In fact, you will notice the need to change your world for the better with Jupiter transiting this social house. In most cases, the changes you make will also benefit those around you significantly and your goals will be achieved. Finally, Jupiter is the planet of expansion and you will notice your social circle and sphere of influence expand over the next year.
Sagittarius: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 10th house. In astrology, the 10thhouse describes our careers and position in the world. Jupiter transiting this house is considered favorable, improves and increases your reputation and often prompts you to be all that you can be. During this cycle you can take advantage of Jupiter’s benefic energy to advance your career, begin new businesses, or receive long deserved recognition for your accomplishments. If you have struggled to get to the next level, this year could be your breakthrough. However, it is necessary to avoid being overbearing, dictatorial, and keep your ego in check because problems could occur at the end of the transit if others perceive a haughty attitude. Finally, you can expect to see promotions at work, financial increase, and an inner self-confidence while Jupiter transits this house.
Capricorn: This year Jupiter begins his yearlong transit through your solar 9th house. For you, this is a great position because Jupiter naturally rules the 9th house. Your desire to learn will be magnified as Jupiter transits the house normally associated with higher education. Your learning experiences will broaden your mind and your perspective upon things will change and mature. This transit is associated with wisdom because your quest to learn will often give you deep insight into aspects of your life that you have either ignored or found trivial. Often when this transit is active, interest in the arcane sciences, religion or philosophy are typical because interest in esoteric and teleological subjects reflect the need to expand your worldview. Finally, you may find yourself interested in foreign cultures or taking vacations to foreign lands to broaden your experience. The one thing to expect while Jupiter transits your 9th house is that your view of life will change and always for the better.
Aquarius: This year Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 8th house. The 8th house is similar to the 11th and the 12th and has a rather mysterious and confusing aura around it. Traditionally, it is associated with death, inheritance, and taxes and I have seen these descriptions to be relatively true. Jupiter in the 8th can mean you will receive an inheritance or an unexpected tax refund. But, what does this house really mean? After 25 years of doing astrology, I am convinced that the 8th house has to do with inheritance, but not just financially; it reflects our psychological inheritance as well. While Jupiter is transiting through the 8th house, issues from the past that may need healing will rise to the surface and the healing of past familial trauma begins. This can come from powerful changes or psychological wounds, yet these changes will be to your ultimate benefit. On the more mundane level (which you Capricorns will love), this is a great time to begin a business partnership or apply for loans because Jupiter in the 8th makes it easy for people to share their resources with you.
Pisces: Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your solar 7th house. The 7th house is typically associated with partnerships, marriage, competitors, and legal matters. Perhaps it would be creative to define it as the ‘world out there’ or the ‘not you’ house because it describes your relationship to society in general. Jupiter transits through the 7th can increase your relationships and expand your experiences of society by widening your sphere of influence. This is great for business alliances in which your partnerships are mutually beneficial. Of course, Jupiter influences your love relationships by being a generally favorable influence. Any difficulties experienced in your relationships should be smoothed out or resolved during this cycle. Finally, the 7th house also pertains to legal matters. Any legal issues (especially civil cases) should resolve in your favor since Jupiter casts a protective shield over any house he influences.
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