A few weeks ago, Jacki Smith called me and asked a rather simple question – “What is a miracle?” To be frank, it is a rather interesting question that has eluded the secular world for eons. In fact, pop culture has “dumbed down” miracles to the point that it’s a glamorous word that more closely resembles luck or fortunate happenstance than anything divine. Needless to say, the word is perplexing. I was plagued pondering the meaning to this for several days. Of course, I eventually pushed miracles aside and began to study Passover.
During the season of Passover we celebrate the Israeli liberation from the Egyptian Pharaoh and the story is found in the book of Exodus. It occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Ares (Nissan) and always occurs during a full moon. According to the story in Exodus (Shemot in Hebrew), God inflicts ten plagues upon the Egyptians culminating with the worst of the ten plagues being the “death” of the Egyptian first born. In order to protect the Israelites, God instructed them to make their doorsteps with the blood of a slaughtered lamb so that the spirit of the Lord knew to “pass over” the Israeli first born – which is why the holiday is named Passover.
Although the history of Passover (Pesach) is great entertainment and an epic story, the real element of Passover which is often overlooked is slavery. The fate of the Israeli slaves while they were in exile in Egypt. In the western world we are rather desensitized to the issues of slavery. We tend to look at it as something that occurs elsewhere or in “those” other countries that are not as civilized (whatever that means) as we are. We view it as archaic and brutal and we tend to ignore or remove from our thoughts such harsh cold realities. However, what we tend to ignore are the numerous ways that we are slaves every single day. It is our personal ‘slavery’ that blocks miracles.
So, what is personal slavery?
In kabbalah, slavery would be considered any self-defeating behavior that prevents us from connecting to the full light of the creator. Essentially, these are our personal blocks that limit us from achieving fulfillment and we all have them.
Here are some examples:
Addiction to Foods
Addiction to Drugs
Sexual Obsessions
Need for Approval
Need for Compliments
Gambling Addictions
This is just a small list, but it gives you an idea of what to look for. Astrology provides us with more insight and I have written about extensively in my article, “Astrology Guide to Overcoming Fear and Addiction Once and For All.”
One of the most famous Passover rituals is avoiding chametz (leavened bread or other foods made with leavened grain). But, why? According to the Jewish tradition, the Israelites left Egypt so quickly that they could not wait for their bread to rise. On the kabbalistic level, bread (i.e. sugar) is considered one of the most addictive substances on earth and our restriction from bread reminds us to be humble and through this process we begin to reconnect to the light of the creator and become a co-creator of our lives with God. Further, by restricting our bread intake for 8 days, we begin the process of freeing ourselves from the chains our own inner slavery (addictions) and exit our personal Egypt.
Now, let’s get back to those miracles!
In my original conversation with Jacki, I felt that a miracle is something that happens independent of our own effort and divinely channeled or inspired. As I said, this plagued me for several days. Then I came across this verse:
“As the days when you left Egypt, so I will make you see miracles.” (Isaiah 10:32)
I had been preparing for the Passover show for a few days and this really got me thinking. First, Isaiah is discussing the Exodus from Egypt – which as I stated earlier involves our personal slavery. Secondly, the process of leaving Egypt and the sojourn through the desert is a process that represents our reconnecting with the Light force of the creator. Thirdly, it does not state ANYWHERE that you have to be fully connected to the creator in order for miracles to occur – it simply states that you have to put forth effort. In essence, the moment you begin to reconnect with the creator you open a channel that allows miracles to begin to occur.
Over the period of the next 49 days (the night of the 15th of April on), is a rather frustrating period. Once we begin to reconnect to the light, our messy negative characteristics begin to surface and we become aware of the issues we need to work on. Take some time to make note of your feelings, your reactions, and your self-defeating periods during this cycle. Once we learn the areas of our life we need to work on at this time (which is often different then ones we want to work on), we are able to make changes that are lasting and lead us on the path towards fulfillment.
Audio Companion:
Here is the latest episode of ‘Keep It Magic’ where Jacki Smith and I discuss the Power of Passover.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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