Astrological Guide to Overcoming Fear and Addiction Once and For All
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Are you tired of living a life filled with fears? Are you ready to break your addictions? If so, this week provides a powerful opportunity for you to get to the root of your problems and resolve them once and for all!
This week is a special energetic week because we enter into the season of Passover. Now, most people know what Passover is; but for those of you that do not, I will explain it here. For those of you that do, let me humor you!
Passover is the story of the Israelites in Egypt who were granted freedom from slavery and began their journey (beginning of a spiritual process) to the Promised Land (spiritual fulfillment). You can read about it in the book of Exodus (Shemot) in the Bible or you can watch the 10 Commandments. However, there is much more to Passover than just an epic story of an oppressed people quest for freedom.
So, what is it really about?
It’s REALLY about you and me!
The REAL Truth about Slavery
Do you know what slavery is? Many of us have never experienced direct slavery living in a democratic system. We tend to view slavery as archaic and brutal, yet many of us do not realize is that we are all slaves. We are slaves to systems, slaves to things, and slaves to our negative thoughts. The story of Passover is about breaking the bonds of the slavery that bind and fetter us.
But, how do we do this?
First, it takes a lot of self-honesty and reflection. One must ask some pretty tough questions and be brutally truthful with the answers. However, according to the Kabbalistic sages two areas keep us stuck in perpetual slavery – our negative fears and negative loves (lusts).
Take some time to reflect on the fears in your life. What are you really afraid of? Then ponder any negative loves that you have.
Examples of Negative Fears and Negative Loves
Negative Fears Fear of Being Alone Fear of Commitment Fear of Responsibility Fear of Not Having Fear of Being Judged Fear of Taking Risks Fear of Lack of Control |
Negative Loves Approval Food Drugs Sex Relationships (needing another person) Compliments Gambling |
The problem with negative fears and negative loves is that they disconnect us from the Light Force of the Creator and keep us stuck in circumstances that eventually will lead to our own fall. We begin to feed into our negative cycles and they take complete control of our lives and we begin to settle for less than what we could have received.
Let’s Get Mystical
So, what does Passover have to do with our negative fears and negative loves?
Well, according to the sages it has everything to do with them.
You see, according to Kabbalah the word Egypt is actually a code word for chaos or complete disconnection from the Light. It’s the place we all go to when we are stuck in the robotic world of living a life based on our attachments to things and being controlled by our emotions. One thing we need to realize is that Egypt (and I am not referring to the wonderful people in modern Egypt) is not just a country, it’s also an inner world.
If Egypt is chaos, then what is the Pharaoh?
According to the Zohar, the Pharaoh represents the negative ego. Now, there is a positive ego which is to protect the individual from becoming overwhelmed by collective energy and help formulate a sense of an “I” or creation of an individual identity. However, a negative ego can form when it becomes corrupted by our addiction to momentary pleasures rather than seeking a connection to the Creator that provides us with lasting fulfillment.
When you read the story in Exodus, you will see that the Pharaoh is afraid of losing his power and does many things to stay in control. In essence, he represents our negative fears and negative loves. He is desperate to hold onto power as our negative ego likes to remain in power. Unfortunately, as long as we remain slaves to our negative impulses we are never able to achieve a real connection with the Creator and block our true potential. We fall prey to the Pharaoh whenever we attempt to skip the process and try to achieve instant gratification.
The good news is that we are all capable of freeing ourselves from slavery. We can make choices and decisions to go through the process of achieving fulfillment. We can do the inner work that is necessary to push us to the next level. But first, we need to become honest with ourselves and accept that a problem exists. Secondly, we need to realize that the only way to receive lasting fulfillment is to seek higher consciousness, a relationship with the Light of the Creator, and believe in our own potential.
Astrology and Passover
Now Kabbalah does not just tell us to do something without providing us with tools. The Light of the Creator provides us with all the tools necessary to achieve our goals as long as we are willing to use them. One of the most powerful Kabbalistic tools is astrology. The more we understand the astrological symbolism of our horoscopes, the more we are able to express its positive dimensions rather than expressing the negative. Further, our negative fears and negative loves are controlled by two planets in the heavens – Saturn and The Moon.
Let’s begin with the planet Saturn.
If you go to any website where there is astrological discussion, you will notice that one thing is clear – Saturn is a planet everyone dreads. In fact, Saturn has become part of pop culture language because most people know that the years of 28-30 coincide with the infamous Saturn return. It’s viewed as a struggle, difficult, and frustrating and many would prefer just to hide under their beds than experience this depressing energy.
But, why is Saturn viewed so negatively?
Saturn represents the laws of the physical world and how it operates. In Kabbalah, the sephirot that is associated with this planet is Binah. Now many people like to gloss over Binah because she is the “eternal mother” and provides protection to her children. We tend to try to turn her into a combination of Claire Huxtable and Carol Brady. However, being the “mother” and on the side of the tree that deals with severity, she also represents that word that most of us try to avoid – karma. You see, Saturn forces us to see life as it really is and provides us with rules and regulations to create a safe and productive society. Unfortunately, many people see this as curtailing individual expression, freedom, and creativity; but without these laws, none of us would be able to function properly. In fact, the world would be the Wild Wild West!
The sign that Saturn is in reflects the area of life that we will experience limitations, restrictions, and boundaries (kind of like its famous rings). Further, we approach Saturn’s sign with fear and caution. In Greek mythology, Saturn was the King of the Gods (named Kronos) who ruled over the Titans. It was prophesized that he would one day lose his kingdom to one of his children which would over throw him. In order to protect his position and rulership, when Saturn’s wife Rhea gave birth to a child, he would swallow it. Of course, Rhea became upset with Saturn swallowing her children and she hatches a plan. Rhea eventually gives birth to a son named Jupiter (Zeus) and rather than handing him over to Saturn, she wraps up a blanket with a stone. Of course, Saturn swallows the stone and Rhea sends her son off to be raised by a goat. Eventually, Zeus becomes an adult god and returns to overthrow his father and fulfills the prophecy.
Often, we hold onto things the way that Saturn did because we fear losing something in our lives. Sometimes it is easier for us to go through dysfunction after dysfunction because we are afraid of letting something go. As a result, our lives may end up being more chaotic than if we had faced our fears to begin with. So, we can conclude that the place that we find our fears in the horoscope would be the location of Saturn and this will give us the starting point to healing our Negative Fears.
Zodiac Sign |
Negative Fears |
Saturn in Aries | Fear of being overpowered by the will of others |
Saturn in Taurus | Fear of change |
Saturn in Gemini | Fear of the irrational which may ruin plans, ideas or concepts |
Saturn in Cancer | Fear of abandonment |
Saturn in Leo | Fear of being unimportant or ordinary |
Saturn in Virgo | Fear of disorder |
Saturn in Libra | Fear of being selfish which will lead to rejection by others |
Saturn in Scorpio | Fear of betrayal, humiliation, and being controlled by others |
Saturn in Sagittarius | Fear of life having no meaning beyond the physical world |
Saturn in Capricorn | Fear of chaos when rules are not followed or adhered to |
Saturn in Aquarius | Fear of isolation and social rejection |
Saturn in Pisces | Fear of disintegration – losing one’s identity |
The planet we can look to in order to get a basic understanding of our ‘Negative Loves’ is the Moon. Now before you send me an email that says, “Storm, the planet that has to do with love is Venus,” let me give a bit of explanation.
In the horoscope, Venus is the goddess of erotic love. However, her specialty is relationships. The original planet that we experience love from is our Moon because it is our connection to our body, our emotions, our need for sustenance in order to survive, and represents our relationship with our Mothers. The Moon has needs and if those needs are not met, then problems can occur within he horoscope – and since no parents are perfect it is likely that on some level many of our needs are not going to be met. This can create difficulties and our Negative Loves emerge out of our Moon because in essence our Negative Loves are a result of the areas of our lives where we are hungry.
Zodiac Signs |
Negative Loves |
Moon in Aries | Victory and Competition |
Moon in Taurus | Physical Pleasures – food, shopping, money |
Moon in Gemini | Addicted to being right or the one true authority |
Moon in Cancer | Codependency, People Pleasing |
Moon in Leo | Addicted to being the center of attention and approval |
Moon in Virgo | Obsessions, Cleanliness, Ritualistic Behavior |
Moon in Libra | Relationships, Harmony, and Balance |
Moon in Scorpio | Emotional Intensity and Controlling Behavior |
Moon in Sagittarius | Adventure and Excitement |
Moon in Capricorn | Work. social standing and position, approval |
Moon in Aquarius | Freedom, Friends, Groups, Ideas such as conspiracies and politics. |
Moon in Pisces | Drugs, Alcohol, Religion, People Pleasing |
Remember, there is much more to Saturn and the Moon than Negative Fears and Negative Loves. The two planets are vitally necessary for our development as a human being. Where Saturn and the Moon are located gives us a list of positive and negative traits. By being aware of the negative dimensions of the signs the planets reside in, allows us to proactively choose to use the more positive dimensions of the planet. This will allow us to turn Negative Fears into self-confidence and Negative Loves into real loves that are sustainable and productive.
Chag Same’ach
I wish you and yours a Happy Passover and Delightful Easter
Here is a 90 minute audio from my radio show Keep It Magic to go with this post!
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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