The astrology forecast for the week of August 29, 2022 through September 4, 2022 features two planetary aspects – Mars sextile Jupiter and Mercury oppose Jupiter.
After a dramatic month (and why should we expect anything less from Leo season), August ends with the cosmos slowing down, which will be a relief for many.
So, let’s get the show on the road and dive right in.
Cosmic Overview
This week, Jupiter is our major player, and he is currently retrograde in ambitious Aries.
Now, let me reassure you, Jupiter retrograde is not Mercury retrograde – not even close. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius and Pisces, neither of which are personal signs. So, our daily lives are not affected (unless Jupiter Rx aspects a personal planet, so watch for planets you have in the first 10 degrees of cardinal signs, which are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. After October 29th, the last 5 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). Instead, Jupiter has to do with big picture concerns.
In astrology, Jupiter is the Big Kahuna. He is the great benefic – our cosmic Santa Claus. He bestows gifts, wisdom, and is the personal luck generator of the horoscope. Jupiter has been moving through fiery Aries, an ambitious sign that is highly competitive, is concerned with personal agenda, and loves to win for the pure glory of all the possibilities that arise from victory. You know, to the victor goes the spoils!
While Jupiter is retrograde, he gives you the opportunity to review the goals and aspirations you’ve pursued since the beginning of May. Are you happy with the direction you are headed in? Do you need to tweak your long-term objectives? Have you overlooked anything that may open more doors and opportunities? Jupiter Rx lets you put the knowledge you’ve acquired to work for you. In many ways, it’s like a four month “feel good” self-help seminar with all the amenities. And who doesn’t want some of that?
Now, for the rub!
Mercury turns retrograde on September 9th.
Daily Breakdown
Monday, August 29, 2022
The Moon moves through relationship-oriented Libra. She makes several aspects throughout the day to Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. It’s an excellent day to have productive conversations and develop strategies for both personal and relationship matters. This evening is the perfect time for a date night or spending time with those you love.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
The Moon continues to move through Libra and forms a beneficial trine to Saturn, the signs exalted ruler. Libra is also associated with law and legal matters. It is an excellent day to resolve any legal issues or wrap up legal related loose ends before Mercury goes retrograde on September 9th. So, if you need to sign a contract or take any action, today is the perfect day to do it.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Moon spends most of the morning hours void of course in Libra. Avoid making firm agreements or starting anything new until 1:11 PM EDT when the Moon moves into Scorpio. Intense feelings may surface for the rest of the day. Try to acknowledge and experience them, but don’t be reactive.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Mars forms an opportunistic sextile to Jupiter in Aries. If you need some extra energy, then take advantage of the day, because energy levels should be high. Mars sextile Jupiter is spectacular for business matters and will help you achieve your goals. Anything that you begin at this time will likely be successful. Mars sextile Jupiter is also excellent for personal growth and leveling up.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Mercury opposes Jupiter on Friday evening. Mercury oppose Jupiter has a favorable outlook, and you likely will find yourself in good spirits, which is excellent if you have social plans for the evening. On the business front, Mercury oppose Jupiter is excellent for ironing out deals and negotiating. Just make sure you read all the fine print before signing the dotted line.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
The Moon moves through spirited Sagittarius. During the morning hours, the Moon will oppose Mars and later square the Sun. Be careful when interacting with others, because people will likely be on edge and easily triggered, especially if you hurt their ego. Try to be proactive and avoid people with an obvious chip on their shoulder.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
We close the week with the Moon still moving through Sagittarius, and it forms a tough aspect to Neptune. You may suffer from brain fog during the morning hours and have trouble getting on with your day. It’s not the best day to make major decisions. The good news is that later in the day, the Moon trines Venus, which should bring peace and harmony into the evening hours.
See you next week!
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