The astrology forecast for the week of July 18, 2022 through July 24, 2022 features three major aspects (Mercury opposes Pluto, the Sun opposes Pluto, and Mercury trines Jupiter) and Mercury and the Sun move out of Cancer and into Leo.
Let’s dive right in…
Cosmic Overview
This week Leo season begins, and I must admit that I may be biased being a Leo, but I hope my exuberance over the sign can be a catalyst for inner change and transformation.
Leo season is ruled by the Sun, and in Greek myth the Sun is associated with the God Apollo. Now, Apollo has quite the resume – he is the Sun God, a cosmocrator, he removes curses, he is the god of music, the father of the nine muses, and he is also a god of healing.
That is some list!
Since the Sun is the center of the solar system, it is not surprising that Apollo governs so many facets of life. Likewise, we can use the energy of the Sun to perform potent inner transformation. And guess what? You don’t need any sunscreen!
When people think of the sign of Leo (and again I am biased), they think of showy, extroverted types that need to be the center of attention. Leo is considered a ‘creator type’ because they are often involved in the performing arts. However, the deeper core of what Leo is creating has little to do with entertaining the masses – entertaining is simply a byproduct. Instead, each creation, each part, and each role get them closer to what they long for – the urge to be themselves.
The exciting news: During Leo season, we all get to tap into this powerful energy and use it proactively to create our lives.
Daily Breakdown
Monday, July 18, 2022
We start the week off with Mercury opposing power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury oppose Pluto is an obsessive aspect, because we often become fixated on things beyond our control, especially if we feel that people are trying to control, dominate, or influence us. So, stay guarded, and try to push away obsessive thoughts if they surface. You can use this energy proactively if you look at what needs to be changed in the areas of your life that you obsess over. Mercury-Pluto helps us get to the root of our problems if we are willing to dig deep enough. Inner exploration may bring profound insights.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
On Tuesday, Mercury moves out of Cancer and into Leo. Ordinarily, I would encourage you to let your freak flag fly and express yourself, and I still encourage you to do that. But in light of the astrological challenges Mercury faces while in Leo (he squares Mars and Uranus in Taurus, and opposes Saturn in Aquarius), there is another side of Mercury in Leo that I want to focus on, and that is Mercury’s need to tell stories.
While Mercury is in Leo, you may need to pay close attention to the stories you tell, especially if they limit or constrict your growth. As Mercury builds up to his square with Mars conjunct Uranus, you may feel on edge, scattered, and unfocused, and you may be at odds with others. This energy is extremely discordant, so pay close attention to your interactions with others.
At the end of the month, Mercury opposes Saturn, and feelings of insecurities, worries, fears, and self-doubt may surface. The key to working with this energy is to pay close attention to your words, thoughts and fears, and the stories you tell yourself. The good news is that limiting beliefs can be worked through and changed. Since we will move into Leo season, you can use this energy to break free of self-defeating mental constructs and create a path forward to becoming the best version of you that you can be.
Later in the day, the Sun will oppose Pluto. This is an intense transit that often makes you painfully aware of the areas of your life that are on life-support. You may need to make radical changes that you do not want to make, but are in your best interest. Unresolved issues with the people in your life may resurface, and need to be dealt with once and for all. Although Sun opposed Pluto is difficult, it gives you the ability to transform things for the greater good if you are willing to let go of dead works and things that are not of your highest good. Also, avoid people on a power trip, they will be hungrier than normal, and try to suck the life out of you.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Expect the morning hours to be difficult, with the Moon moving through Aries and squaring Pluto. You may need to manage intense feelings that erupt out of nowhere and attempt to steal your joy. Avoid reacting emotionally, and let the storm blow over. Later, the Moon will move into Taurus, and it’s a great time to push the difficult energy of the past few days aside and try to do something you enjoy. Sometimes the simple things in life give us the greatest pleasure.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
The Moon continues to move through Taurus and conjoins Mars. It’s an excellent day to focus on practical matters, and Mars will give you a boost to help you achieve your goals. However, try to avoid doing anything impulsively, because the ultimate outcome may not be what you expected. Direct your energies, and don’t let outer influences direct you.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Besides the Sun moving into Leo later this afternoon, the Moon spends its last day in Taurus. Keep your eyes open when planets move through the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) because they will trigger Mars, Uranus, and Saturn, which occurs today when the Moon conjoins Uranus and squares Saturn. Unexpected situations may leave you feeling uncertain about the future, and your inner insecurities may be triggered. Avoid reacting emotionally and stay the course. This evening, the Moon trines Pluto, and you will get your mojo back by standing in your own power.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
After a grueling week, Mercury forms a lovely trine to Jupiter in Aries. Mercury trine Jupiter is great for making plans and setting new goals. Business activities are favored, and it’s an excellent time to sign contracts or participate in negotiations. You may also find that you are interested in new things and willing to expand your mental horizons.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
We close the week with the Moon moving through social Gemini. It’s a great day to enjoy yourself and connect with your inner circle. Conversations will be lively, and you will likely enjoy yourself. Since Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in Leo, romantic opportunities may present themselves.
See you next week!
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