The astrology forecast for the week of July 4, 2022 through July 10, 2022 features 3 major planetary aspects (Mercury sextile Mars, Mercury square Jupiter, Sun sextile Uranus) and Mars moves into Taurus and Mercury moves into Cancer.
So, the first week of July is pretty busy. Let’s dive right in.
Cosmic Overview
This week we have two planetary sign changes – Mercury moves out of Gemini and into Cancer, and energetic Mars grinds to a halt as he enters slow and steady Taurus.
Mercury in Cancer
On Tuesday, Mercury moves into Cancer. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the ever-changing Moon, and with Mercury in the sign of the crab, our thoughts may shift frequently and may be governed by our current emotional experiences. Since Mercury has no essential dignity in Cancer, you may experience constantly shifting emotional experiences, and you may have difficulty expressing your feelings because Cancer is considered a mute sign. Additionally, Cancer is associated with home and family, so you may find conversations with relatives and an increased focus on your home and current living experiences.
Mars in Taurus
Mars doesn’t care for the sign of Taurus, because it’s sooooo SLOW! Mars likes fast impulsive movement and prefers to act upon intuitive hunches that lead the warrior god to victory. The earthy realm of Taurus is concerned about the real world, and Mars would prefer not to be bogged down my practical sensibilities. Why? Because it’s boring, and Mars hates being bored.
However, even though Mars prefers to be elsewhere, he still needs to perform. In Taurus, Mars is capable and consistent, and while Mars is in the sign of the bull, it’s an excellent time to focus on projects that bring tangible results. Furthermore, Mars in Taurus is extremely stubborn and becomes easily agitated if it feels thwarted by others. You may need to stay mindful and be as proactive as possible.
Daily Breakdown
Monday, July 4, 2022
Happy Independence Day if you live in the United States. We start the week off with the Moon moving through dutiful Virgo. Virgo is about life management and what you can do to bring order into your life. It’s an excellent day to clean up loose ends, focus on health-related matters, and even get a good workout. During the evening hours, the Moon applies by trine to Uranus. An unexpected surprise may make your day!
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
After Mars and Mercury switch signs, they form a lovely sextile during the early morning hours. Mercury sextile Mars is an extremely active aspect, and you can use this energy to focus on projects or objectives that need a boost of energy. You may feel more confident and assertive than you ordinarily do, and it’s easier to convey your thoughts and opinions to others. Mercury sextile Mars is also great if you need to debate an issue.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
The Moon spends the day moving through fair-and-balanced Libra. It’s an excellent day to focus on relationship matters, especially if you need to repair one. This is also a good day to focus on resolving legal issues or to file legal documents.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The Moon continues to move through Libra and forms a beneficial trine to Saturn. It’s a good day to focus on business matters or do the work necessary to level up. Later this evening, be on guard, because the Moon squares Pluto and intense emotions may surface that are hard to control. Try to work through your feelings than reacting to them.
Friday, July 8, 2022
On Friday, the Moon moves through turbulent Scorpio and forms a nasty opposition to Mars shortly before dawn. You may feel agitated and easily annoyed by other peoples behaviors or attitudes. To add insult to injury, the Moon then opposes Uranus and then squares Saturn. Expect the unexpected and you may go through periods of self-doubt.
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries. Your overall attitude will be positive and it’s an excellent time to make long-term plans and goals. Mercury square Jupiter is excellent for business transactions and contractual negotiations. Just make sure you read the fine print before signing the dotted line.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
We close the week with the Sun sextile Uranus, which is a pleasant and harmonious aspect. It’s an excellent day to break free from the restraints of your usual routine and do something exciting and outside the box. You can also use this energy to make changes in your life, especially if you feel like your life has been in a rut.
See you next week!
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