The astrology forecast for the week of June 27, 2022 through July 3, 2022 features six planetary aspects (Mars sextile Saturn, the Sun square Jupiter, Venus sextile Jupiter, Mars square Pluto, Mercury trine Saturn, and Mercury square Neptune), a New Moon in Cancer, and Neptune turning retrograde in Pisces.
The last week of June is an extremely cosmically busy week, so let’s dive right in.
Cosmic Overview
This headliner this week is the New Moon in Cancer, which occurs on June 28th at 10:52 PM EST/7:52 PM PST. The New Moon in Cancer is about new beginnings in Cancer’s domain – home, family, security, and even fertility. It’s a great time to do protection, financial, or pregnancy magic or intentional work. The New Moon in Cancer is also excellent to begin home repairs or redecorating.
Daily Overview
Monday, June 27, 2022
We start the week off with Mars sextile Saturn in Aquarius. Mars sextile Saturn is all about the grind. This is the perfect time to focus on projects or tasks that require focus and discipline. While this aspect is active, you will be goal oriented and focused on getting results in all aspects of your life. Mars sextile Saturn urges you to focus on building a solid future, even though you may not see immediate results.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Venus forms an extremely beneficial aspect to Jupiter in Aries. Venus sextile Jupiter is an optimistic and cheerful aspect. You will enjoy the company of others, and they will enjoy you. This is an excellent time to forge new relationships and friendships. Additionally, Venus sextile Jupiter is a wonderful aspect for financial investments and resolving legal matters in your favor.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
The energy of the New Moon continues Wednesday, while the Moon continues its trip through the sign of Cancer. The Moon forms a favorable aspect to Uranus in Taurus, and you may feel a little uninspired by your daily life and crave a break from your usual routine. It’s a great day to spend time with close friends, especially those that bring a bit of excitement into your life.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
The Moon spends its last day in Cancer and forms difficult aspects to Mars and Pluto. You may experience power struggles with family members and co-workers. Despite the emotional intensity of today’s energies, avoid acting impulsively and try to be as proactive as possible.
Friday, July 1, 2022
Mars forms a tense square to Pluto in Capricorn. Mars square Pluto is an extremely discordant aspect that often leads to power plays and altercations. You may find that people are highly confrontational and have little self-restraint. Try to avoid people on a power trip, because they will be more out of control than usual.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
During the morning hours, Mercury trines Saturn, and you will find your mind focused on serious matters. If you need to work on projects that require mental focus, do so during the day, because later Mercury squares Neptune, which is not favorable for practical matters. This evening, be careful of situations that may seem too good to be true, because they probably are.
Sunday, July 3, 2022
We close the week with the Moon moving through dutiful Virgo. It’s a great day to focus on tasks and responsibilities that may have piled up over the past week. The Virgo Moon is also excellent for organizing your schedule, focusing on health concerns, and starting an exercise program.
See you next week!
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