The astrology forecast for the week of June 13, 2022 through June 19, 2022 features four major aspects (Sun trine Saturn, Sun square Neptune, Venus square Saturn, Venus square Neptune), a Full Moon in Sagittarius, and Mercury moves out of Taurus and back into Gemini.
So, after two weeks of slow cosmic activity, the heavens speed up, and we get a pretty busy week.
Let’s dive right in…
Cosmic Overview
This week, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius, which occurs on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 7:52 AM EST/4:52 AM PST. The Full Moon in Sagittarius reflects the need to let go of areas governed by the sign they are in, and in the case of Sagittarius, it’s our beliefs that are on the chopping block. Letting go of beliefs can be a daunting task, because they have often been a main feature of our personal psychology. However, now is the time for you to let go of outdated beliefs that may no longer be useful, and may be hindering your personal growth.
Daily Breakdown
Monday, June 13, 2022
We start the week off with Mercury moving back into Gemini after he slipped back into Taurus during his retrograde cycle. Mercury in Gemini is perfect for fun in the sun, frolicking on the beach, and socializing with others. Mercury moving into Gemini dovetails into the Full Moon in the opposite sign of Sagittarius. So, it may be difficult to focus on practical duties and responsibilities, because you will feel the urge to have some fun.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Besides the Full Moon, which occurs a few hours after dawn, the Moon continues to move through Sagittarius and squares Neptune in Pisces. You may suffer from morning brain fog and need to be careful when making decisions throughout the morning hours. Your imagination will be fruitful, but it may be hard to focus on serious concerns. The good news is that later in the day, the Moon leaves the sign of the archer and moves into Capricorn, and your sensibilities should return.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
The Moon moves through Capricorn and applies to a tense square to Mars in Aries. You may feel easily agitated by people who are shirking their responsibilities or not pulling their own weight. Try to avoid arguments as much as possible, and be proactive. Power struggles, no matter how appealing they may seem, will not work to your advantage.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
On Thursday, we have a collusion of opposites, as the Sun trines productive Saturn and squares befuddling Neptune. You may feel the urge to get things done, but outside forces may alter your plans. Try to focus on tasks that give you the most benefit, and leave the rest for a more favorable astrological cycle.
Friday, June 17, 2022
The Moon moves through social Aquarius, and it’s a great day to spend time with your friends and like-minded individuals. Your mood should be optimistic, and you will enjoy the company of others. Later in the day, you may find yourself mildly annoyed by unexpected events as the Moon squares Uranus.
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Venus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. You may go through moments of feeling alone and isolated from the rest of the world, and you may have difficulties relating to others. For those in relationships, seek solutions to your problems and look inward for answers on how to improve your connection to others.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
We close the week out with a lovely sextile between Venus and Neptune. Your imagination will be kicked into high gear, and it’s a great day to work on creative projects. You can also use this energy to appreciate art, music, and movies. Relationships and romance also get a boost while this aspect is active.
See you next week!
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