The astrology forecast for the week of May 23, 2022 through May 29, 2022 features a whopping six planetary aspects (Sun sextile Jupiter, Venus sextile Saturn, Mercury trine Pluto, Venus square Pluto, and Mars conjunct Jupiter). Additionally, Mars moves into Aries and Venus moves into Taurus.
The lead up to Memorial Day weekend will be busy, so let’s dive right in.
Cosmic Overview
This week both Mars and Venus change signs, and since they both move into signs that they rule, the areas of your chart ruled by Mars and Venus will get a giant cosmic boost. So, make sure you take advantage of this auspicious cycle and work on the areas of your chart that Mars and Venus rule.
On Tuesday, Mars enters Aries. Mars in Aries is determined to win, so it’s an excellent time to pursue your goals and achieve your objectives. It may be necessary that you keep other people in mind before taking action, just to ensure you don’t step on too many toes or ruffle any feathers. Just remember that you should work on goals you’ve had for a while, and not any new ones, because Mercury is still retrograde. After June 3rd, you can create new goals and pursue new opportunities. Mars remains in Aries until July 4th.
This weekend Venus moves out of Aries and into Taurus. Venus in Taurus is extremely sensual and enjoys the pleasures of life. This is an excellent time to redecorate, purchase luxury items (again after June 3rd), and work towards making relationships more solid and secure. If you’ve been going through relationship struggles, now is the time to clean the slate and turn the page. Venus remains in Taurus until June 22nd.
Daily Breakdown
Monday, May 23, 2022
We start the week with two beneficial aspects, as the Sun sextiles Jupiter and Mercury sextiles Mars.
The Sun sextile Jupiter is considered a lucky aspect, but the truth is that you are more receptive to notice opportunities and take advantage of them. You will notice that you have an optimistic outlook and positive mindset that will help you succeed at anything you focus your attention on. Sun sextile Jupiter is also an auspicious time to look at your life and revise long-term goals, especially if things recently have not been going your way.
Now, on to Mercury sextile Mars.
Mercury sextile Mars is an excellent supportive aspect to Sun sextile Jupiter that occurs earlier in the day. It’s a great day to get things done and complete your tasks and objectives. If you need to debate your ideas, this is the perfect time to do so, because this aspect is harmonious and you will likely be successful.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Besides Mars moving out of Pisces and into Aries, Venus also forms a harmonious sextile to Saturn. Venus sextile Saturn is great for business related matters, especially if you are looking to improve them or take them to the next level. Likewise, relationships get a boost today. If you’ve had problems in relationships, now is the time to repair them or increase the effort you put into them.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Mercury trine Pluto is great if you need to dig deep into your soul to resolve inner problems. You will want to know answers that have previously eluded you, and are willing to search and search until you find a solution. This aspect is also great if you need to do shadow work.
Thursday, May 26, 2022
The Moon moves through Aries and forms a productive sextile to Saturn. It’s an excellent day to spend some time alone and reflect on the current state of your life. You will find that you are serious about planning your future, and focusing on important issues that matter the most to you. It’s also an excellent day to accomplish tasks that need extra focus and discipline.
Friday, May 27, 2022
If there is one aspect you do not want to ignore this week, Venus square Pluto is it. Relationships are on the chopping block, especially if you have failed to do the work to improve them or held onto them because you are afraid of being alone. You may be forced to accommodate changes in your relationships, which may ultimately create needed change. The worst thing you can do is use manipulative tactics or other forms of game playing to get what you want, because it will blow up in your face.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Although Venus in Taurus is the highlight of the day (see above), the Moon also moves through the sign of the bull and conjoins Uranus. Expect the unexpected throughout the morning hours, because Uranus can be unpredictable. The good news is that the rest of the day should flow relatively smoothly, and it’s a great day to relax. This evening, make sure you do something you enjoy, and indulge in something decadent.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
We close the week out with Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries. Mars conjunct Jupiter is the perfect aspect if you need to get things done, because energy will be available in droves if you are willing to tap into it. The only drawback to this aspect is that you can take on more than you can chew, and this can lead to burnout or accidents. Use this aspect wisely, and think before you leap.
See you next week!
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