The astrology forecast for the week of January 10, 2022 through January 16, 2022 features three major aspects (Sun trine Neptune, Mars square Neptune, and the Sun conjoined to Pluto) and Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius.
So, with all the Neptunian energy and with the inclusion of Mercury retrograde, make sure you verify everything before making decisions, because the truth may be elusive and hard to grasp.
Let’s dive into the forecast!
Cosmic Overview:
This week, Mercury joins the love goddess (Venus) by turning retrograde in Aquarius on Friday morning. Mercury will remain retrograde until February 3, 2022.
At its root, the sign of Aquarius is about how we can improve our lives. Aquarius is about progress and pushing society forward, rather than staying stuck in the present or being bound to the past. Mercury moving through Aquarius augurs a time when we should focus on areas where we can improve our lives or focus on what needs to be fixed or repaired. Mercury turning retrograde in Aquarius helps us look at the decisions and choices we have made over the past three months that may be preventing our growth. This gives us the chance to course correct if necessary. The silver lining is that with Mercury being retrograde, we can see the areas that need to be fixed easier.
Mercury retrogrades before it can complete its conjunction to Saturn, but it will remain within orb for the next week. Mercury conjoined to Saturn is frustrating and can lead to negative mindsets. It may be difficult to communicate and express yourself to others. So, try to push away negative thoughts as they surface, and you may need to practice some self-care to manage your emotions.
Otherwise, traditional Mercury retrograde warnings are applicable. Make sure you back up electronic devices, finalize plans, and sign documents before the retrograde begins. Here is a checklist to help you during the retrograde cycle.
Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God
Let’s begin with the recommendations (Notice I didn’t use the lists of should or should not? Mainly because we should never should on ourselves).
- Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i’s are dotted, and all the t’s are crossed. If you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde is over to sign on the dotted line.
- Avoid starting anything new. New projects tend to have communication problems and mishaps when initiated during this process.
- Put a watch on your tongue. (If it is not worth saying, don’t say it)
- Check your vehicles for any potential problems. Before Mercury goes retrograde, is the best time for a service call.
- Avoid buying real estate or renting apartments. Usually, this means you will move again during a future Mercury Rx.
- Using mail delivery services that offer tracking and insurance.
- Check, recheck, and check again any travel plans you have or appointments on the books.
- If you do travel, don’t take anything of importance or value. Only bring items that you do not care if they are lost or stolen.
- Expect people from the past to resurface. However, once they crawl out of whatever cavern they came from, proceed with caution.
- Back up all electronic devices.
- Avoid buying an automobile.
- Mercury Rx is an excellent time to scour places (online and offline) for great deals!
Now, that is some list. But, if you want to avoid the most annoying tricks Mercury has up his sleeve, it is wise to pay close attention and organize (Mercury loves that word) accordingly. As a side note, I have Mercury Rx Neutralizer Candles and Sprays available and stocked up. Get them while you can because they go FAST!
Daily Breakdown:
Monday, January 10, 2022
We start the week off with the Sun forming a lovely sextile to Neptune in Pisces. You will find that you are more receptive to the needs of others, and willing to help the unfortunate when possible. Also, friends may lean on you for emotional support. However, you may need to wear a garlic necklace to repel emotional vampires.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Mars forms a difficult square to Neptune. Your energy levels will be low, which may dampen your spirits and attempt to put out your flame. For many, Mars square Neptune provokes feelings of doubt, and you may feel ineffective dealing with your daily challenges. Avoid any form of underhanded or deceptive behavior. Regardless of your motives, it will lead to blow back and consequences.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
After the tricky and self-defeating energies on Tuesday, Wednesday brings us the Moon moving through earthy Taurus – the sign of her exaltation. It’s an excellent day to do self-care and tend to your personal needs. You may want to spend some time relaxing or engaging in pleasurable activities. Treat yourself to something you enjoy.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
The Moon spends its first full day in mercurial Gemini and forms a lovely trine to the trickster god. Since Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow, make sure you back up your computer and electronic devices. Also, sign documents and have any conversation that needs to be handled before it’s less advantageous to do so. This evening is an excellent time to socialize and spend time with family and friends.
Friday, January 14, 2022
As if Mercury Rx (yes, that starts today) is not enough befuddlement for the day, the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. The Moon square Neptune is extremely confusing, and you need to check and verify everything before believing it as the truth. Be careful of your intuitive hunches, because they may be influenced by fears and paranoias rather than spirit.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
The Moon moves into Cancer during the morning hours and forms a trine to lucky Jupiter. It should be a positive day that is relaxing, and fun filled. So, kick back and do things you enjoy, and take a break from your usual routine. Since the Moon is in Cancer, it’s also an auspicious day to do some redecorating or do something to beautify your home.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
We close the week with the Sun conjoining transformative Pluto in Capricorn. Sometimes, to stand in your power, you have to dig deep. This can bring up uncomfortable feelings or reveal inner truths that may be unsettling and difficult to face. However, slaying your inner demons can help you level up.
See you next week!
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