The astrology forecast for the week of November 8, 2021 – November 14, 2021 features 5 major planetary aspects – Mercury conjunct Mars, Mercury square Saturn, Mars square Saturn, Sun trine Neptune, and Mercury oppose Uranus.
It’s going to be a volatile week that will likely spontaneously combust, so buckle your seat belts!
Cosmic Overview:
Last week, I said that in mid-November, the ‘bowels of hell’ are going to open – and surprise, this is the week it begins.
On Wednesday, we have three major aspects that all come together during the day. Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a conjunction with powerful and impulsive Mars during the morning hours, and then the trickster god squares Saturn. Later in the day, Mars in full battle armor takes on Saturn himself, and the likely result will be increased tensions and frustrations over the next few days.
I’m not going to sugarcoat this; this series of aspects is rough business, and you need to stay on guard and try not to react as much as possible. Instead, you need to try to use your wise mind before making decisions. Of course, I will break the aspects down completely in the daily breakdown.
Anytime we go through rough cosmic energies, you need to take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest. If you have a spiritual practice, I recommend meditation and taking breaks to reconnect with your higher source.
Daily Breakdown:
Monday, November 8, 2021
We open the week with the Moon moving through responsible Capricorn. It’s an excellent day to clear off your to do list and bring order into your life. The Moon forms a lovely sextile to Mars during the morning hours, which should help you manage any tasks that need completion. Later in the day, the Moon trines Uranus. Let your originality shine, and do not be afraid to show your uniqueness.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
If you have creative projects that need attention, then Tuesday is the perfect time for it, as the Moon forms a beneficial aspect to Neptune in Pisces. You will find it easier to let go of your personal concerns, and your inspirational juices will flow steadily. Additionally, you may be called upon to help someone in need, because the Moon sextile Neptune allows you to feel compassion and sympathy for others, especially those who are troubled or hurting. Later in the day, the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, and you may have to stand up for yourself or claim your power. Avoid letting anyone take advantage of you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
From an astrological perspective, Wednesday is the most important day of the week.
During the morning hours, Mercury conjoins Mars in Scorpio. Mercury conjunct Mars comes with a warning label because your reactions may happen faster than your mind can process things, and this can lead to tension, arguments, and anger. You need to be careful with what you say, because the force and intensity of Mars may lead to words or actions that may be difficult to repair or roll back.
Mercury will then form a tense square to Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury square Saturn has difficulty expressing itself, is often fearful of other people’s thoughts or reactions, and can lead to feelings of being misunderstood or ignored. Of course, this can lead to frustration and even rage that may be amplified by Mars squaring Saturn on Wednesday evening. Since Mars square Saturn often limits or prevents our ability to act, you need to proceed with caution, especially if you are irritable or annoyed. Feelings of self-doubt or existential anxiety may also be a concern.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Happy Veteran’s Day! For all those who have served, thank you for your service.
The Moon spends its last day in Aquarius. Make sure everything important is done early in the day, because the Moon will go void of course during the afternoon hours. However, before Luna voids out, she does form a lovely conjunction to Jupiter. Matters should flow relatively easily this afternoon and evening, and your attitude should be optimistic.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Every week, even the most complicated, has a ray of sunshine that peeks out and lets us know that despite life’s challenges, there is always hope. This week, we have the Sun forming a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces. Sun trine Neptune is an excellent opportunity to do soul work and get in touch with spirit. You will notice that your intuition is greatly increased, and you will have a profound sense of inner knowing. You may also be called upon to help someone in need, because this aspect makes you more empathetic and charitable.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
The weekend starts with a challenging aspect, as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus. You will find your mind is in overdrive, and you may have difficulty focusing on the simplest of projects. This may create a sense of restlessness and anxiety, especially if you have recently been all work and responsibilities and experienced little enjoyment in your life. You may need to take a break from your routine and do something different. However, one thing to watch is your interactions with others. You may find that you are extremely blunt, and this may be off-putting and could cause rifts in relationships.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
We close the week off with the Moon moving into feisty Aries. It’s an excellent day to focus on yourself and your agenda. Despite the cosmic difficulties in the air right now, continue to push forward and press on!
See you next week!
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