The astrology forecast for the week of October 25, 2021 – October 31, 2021 features three major aspects (Venus square Neptune, Venus sextile Jupiter, and Sun square Saturn), and Mars is moving out of Libra and into his sign of Scorpio.
Cosmic Overview:
This week Mars moves out of Libra, where he is in detriment, and into Scorpio, the sign he rules. Mars in Libra is concerned with relationships and seeks the opinion and approval of others. However, Mars in Scorpio is focused, determined, self-disciplined and strategic. While Mars is in Scorpio, you have the power to achieve results and the tenacity to follow your goals until you achieve what you want. So, it’s a great time to get out your goal list, pick one out, and work on it until you get results. A word of advice – don’t miss this cycle of Mars because it only happens once every two years. Mars enters Scorpio on October 30th.
Daily Breakdown:
Monday, October 25, 2021
The Moon moves through Gemini most of the day. If you need to get stuff done, make sure you do it during the morning hours, because the Moon will spend the afternoon hours void of course. This evening, the Moon moves through Cancer, and you may feel ‘the feels’ a little more than you usually do. It’s an excellent night to relax and practice some self-care.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Venus square Neptune is problematic for relationships based on fantasy and illusion. If you experience troubles, you may want to look at your relationship and question whether your relationship expectations are unrealistic. In many cases, life difficulties will force you to look at things realistically, leading to feelings of dissolution and disappointment. Sometimes, betrayals may surface that leave you shattered and feeling deceived. As difficult as things may be, try to avoid falling into victim mindsets. Instead, try to face your feelings and manage them productively.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The Moon spends its last day in emotional Cancer. The Moon forms a lovely trine to Neptune during the morning hours. Moon trine Neptune is an excellent aspect for creative projects, and you will find that you are emotionally sensitive to others. However, be on guard this evening because complicated emotions may surface as the Moon squares turbulent Pluto.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
On Thursday, Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius. This is an aspect you want to use to your advantage, because it’s the last positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter (the lesser and greater benefics) for six months, because Venus turns retrograde in December. Venus sextile Jupiter is exceptionally beneficial and will definitely brighten your day. This aspect is excellent for financial concerns, investments, and legal matters.
On the relationship front, be mindful of Venus square Neptune that occurred on Tuesday. Forgiveness and working through relationship problems are crucial, but falling back into toxic patterns or believing that things will magically change is not. Venus sextile Jupiter can easily overlook issues, and this can lead to wishful thinking. Avoid looking at relationship issues with rose-colored glasses.
Friday, October 29, 2021
The Moon moves through playful Leo and forms a lovely sextile to Mercury in Libra. It’s a fine day to spend time with friends and like-minded people, so you can engage in insightful conversations and share life experiences. For those in relationships, the Moon in romantic Leo is excellent for a date night.
Saturday, October 30, 2021
On Saturday, besides Mars moving into Scorpio, the Sun forms a nasty square to Saturn in Aquarius. When the Sun conjoins, sextiles, or trines Jupiter, we are blessed with the most positive days of the year. Conversely, when the Sun conjoins, squares, or opposes Saturn, we experience the most challenges. Saturday is one of those days!
Sun square Saturn brings out feelings of self-doubt and discouragement. You may feel that forces are against you or are limiting your ability to succeed. This may be a day filled with frustrations, and you may believe that you do not have the energy to push through your limitations. The key to working with this aspect is to note the areas of your life that Sun square Saturn influences, and this will give you a roadmap of where to do personal work and build self-confidence. So, despite the way you feel, press in and press on!
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween! The Moon moves through dutiful Virgo throughout the day, so get your tasks done early so you can participate in festivities tonight. Just be on the watch for surprising tricks, because the Moon aspects unpredictable Uranus this evening.
See you next week!
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