The astrology forecast for the week of October 11, 2021 – October 17, 2021 features 4 major planetary aspects – Venus sextile Saturn, Sun trine Jupiter, Mercury sextile Venus, and Sun square Pluto. The bulk of the week will be pretty easy, but beware of the internal storm clouds that move in over the weekend that may threaten to rain on your parade.
Cosmic Overview:
So, how many of you were shocked by the Facebook shut down that occurred last week? For most Astrologers, this was no surprise. Communication and tech problems occur frequently during Mercury retrograde, and snafus occurred across many social media platforms and websites on the same day. But what shocked me the most was the number of conspiracy theories (Mercury was in orb of a conjunction with conspiracy loving Pluto when he turned retrograde) that spawned post after post on social media, including some from well-meaning astrologers.
This week Mercury spends its last week retrograde. Now, the two most difficult phases during a retrograde are when the planet slows down to begin its retrograde status, and then when he slows down again to turn direct. You can expect Mercury retrograde problems to intensity throughout the week, especially in relationships because Mercury is in Libra.
I still have Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer candles available in my store. These candles are made to reduce the retrograde effect, and can also be used to repair any snafus that may have occurred over the last three weeks once Mercury goes direct. You can stock up on them here.
Now, on with the forecast…
Monday, October 11, 2021:
The Moon spends the morning hours void of course in Sagittarius. Avoid starting anything new or making firm decisions (that you should avoid anyways because of Mercury retrograde) until the afternoon hours when the Moon moves into Capricorn. While the Moon is in Capricorn, you can expect the energy to be more serious and focused. It’s an excellent time to put your nose to the grindstone and get things accomplished.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021:
The Moon continues its trip through the sign of the goat and forms some heavy aspects to Mercury, the Sun, and Mars. You can expect mild communication issues and possible disagreements with others. Try to remain as proactive as possible.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021:
The first major aspect of the week occurs on Wednesday when Venus sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. This is a terrific day to work on any relationship issues that may have occurred while Mercury’s been retrograde. Saturn provides a stabilizing influence, and you can look at things realistically. Venus sextile Saturn is excellent for serious discussions and compromises. Also, if you have business matters to deal with this energy is perfect, especially if financial issues are involved.
Thursday, October 14, 2021:
The Moon spends its first full day in Aquarius. You will feel like socializing with others, so it’s an excellent day to hang out with friends or do lunch with your network. However, expect the unexpected this evening when the Moon squares Uranus.
Friday, October 15, 2021:
Good News! The Sun forms a lovely trine to Jupiter in Aquarius. You will find the tone of the day optimistic, enthusiastic, and you will enjoy the company of others. It’s a fantastic day to work on your big picture objectives. Since Jupiter enjoys new experiences, you should take some time to do something different and enjoy yourself. Side Note: This is one of the most positive days of the year, so take advantage of the energy while it’s available.
Saturday, October 16, 2021:
Mercury forms a lovely aspect to Venus in Sagittarius. You can express your feelings easily, and this may help in your relationships with others. It’s also a fine day to reflect on your life and share your insights with others. Spending time with friends is important, while Mercury and Venus are in aspect. Reach out to those you care about and let them know that you care.
Sunday, October 17, 2021:
It’s going to be an eye-opening day, as the Sun in Libra forms a tense square to Pluto. You may realize that you need to make changes in your life, especially to areas that are floundering. It may be time to let go of old patterns and habits that are preventing your growth. You will find your life more rewarding once you purge the old and embrace the new.
On a personal note, I have big news coming in the next two weeks that will knock your socks off. Watch this space.
See you next week!
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