The astrology forecast for August 23, 2021 – August 29, 2021, features only three aspects for the week – Venus trine Saturn, Mercury oppose Neptune, and Mercury trine Pluto.
A curious thing happens with the week’s energy, and it’s common with how events occur in the real world.
Have you ever made a decision about an issue in your life or set a boundary, and then experienced self-doubt?
Self-doubt may easily occur this week, with Venus trine Saturn occurring on Monday, followed by Mercury opposing Neptune on Tuesday. So, stay on guard!
The good news is that if you hang in there and stick to your guns, Thursday will prove to be enlightening, and some of you may have an ‘a-ha’ moment or two as Mercury trines Pluto.
So, get out your journals, pens (I recently got some bomb colored Tul pens) and get to work. You may discover insights into yourself and others that could be a game changer.
Now, on with the forecast…
Monday, August 23, 2021
We start the week with a stabilizing trine between Venus and Saturn. This aspect is sobering and opens up an opportunity for constructive growth in relationships. You will see your relationships realistically, and therefore, you can confront relationship issues that may be further complicated under other aspects. If you need to create boundaries without potential conflicts or hurt feelings, now would be the time to create them.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Whereas yesterday was a sobering and realistic day, today is anything but with Mercury opposing Neptune. So, take Monday’s guidance to heart.
Mercury oppose Neptune is an ambiguous and unsettling aspect. Try to communicate as clearly as possible, and only discuss issues of importance, and leave heavy hitting issues for a day with more constructive energies. Take all information received today with a grain of salt, and make sure to verify information multiple times before making any major decision. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid stressful situations, if possible.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
On Wednesday, the Moon moves through energetic and feisty Aries. You will notice an increase in energy, drive, and determination. However, be cautious during the late morning hours, because people may get on your last nerve. Avoid people who have a knack for pushing your buttons.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
The final aspect of the week happens on Thursday, when Mercury forms an insightful trine to Pluto. It’s an excellent day to dig deep into the inner parts of your soul and get in touch with your true feelings and motivations. You may also want to spend some time alone trying to understand the world around you.
Friday, August 27, 2021
The Moon spends its first full day in earthy Taurus. It’s an excellent day to focus on self-care and personal pleasures. You may want to spend the day at the spa, get a mani and a pedi, get your hair done, or simply enjoy time at the pool (or hot tub if you live in the southern hemisphere). And, of course, a cheat meal may be a scrumptious plan – just make sure it’s decadent. However, be on guard, this evening the Moon squares Saturn, and you may need to push away negative thoughts if they invade your head space.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Expect the unexpected during the morning hours as the Moon conjoins unpredictable Uranus. You may act on impulse, but try to do so in situations that have little impact on your life. The energy will stabilize later in the day, as the Moon trines Mars in structured Virgo. Saturday evening may be a momentous date night, as the Moon sextiles romantic and dreamy Neptune.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
The Moon spends the morning hours finishing her monthly trip through Taurus and aspects Jupiter and Mercury. You will be in relatively good spirits and need to reach out and communicate with others. Perhaps, a lovely brunch or spending time with like-minded individuals at a coffee shop will do the trick. Expect a conversation filled and frenetic afternoon with the Moon moving into chatty Gemini.
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