The astrology forecast for the week of August 16, 2021 – August 22, 2021 features two sign changes (Venus and the Sun), four aspects (Mercury conjunct Mars, Sun oppose Jupiter, Mercury trine Uranus, and Mars trine Uranus), a Full Moon in Aquarius and Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus.
Whew, I may have carpal tunnel syndrome after listing the cosmic energy of the week. It’s going to be one hell of a busy week, that’s for sure.
Let’s dive right in…
Monday, August 16, 2021
The week begins with a sign change for Venus as she moves out of Virgo, the sign of her fall and into Libra, one of the two signs she rules.
While Venus is in Libra, you will seek fairness, balance, and equality in your relationships. If you feel your relationships are too one-sided, you should seek an even playing field. Now, under other Venus placements, this may create more tension and anxiety because people have difficulty adjusting to new relationship dynamics, but Libra is tactful, diplomatic, and seeks accords. So, this is an opportune time to seek relationship changes and get the results you need. Venus remains in Libra until September 10.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
On Tuesday, the Moon moves through Sagittarius. The morning hours may arrive with a side dose of brain fog, as the Moon squares confusing Neptune in Pisces. However, the clouds should clear as the Moon sextiles Jupiter and trines the Sun during the afternoon hours. This evening, do something you enjoy, and that uplifts your spirit.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Expect a high-energy day as Mercury conjoins Mars in Virgo. It’s an excellent day for mental activities and tasks that require lengthy mental focus. Under this aspect, you will easily accomplish most of your pursuits. However, there is a problematic side to Mercury-Mars that you should note. Since Mercury rules the mouth, there is a tendency to speak one’s mind without filters. This could lead to tense conversations and possible defensive posturing from others. So, make sure you put a watch on your tongue, because Mars doesn’t understand how to quit while ahead.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Thursday is the highlight of the week, as the Sun opposes Jupiter. Now oppositions are usually aspects of tension and agitation, but how agitated could the cosmic Santa Claus get? So, the bulk of the problematic aspects that involve Jupiter are minimized by his natural benevolence. Therefore, the only requirement for the Sun opposed to Jupiter, is to avoid excessiveness and attempt to contain its energy.
Sun in opposition to Jupiter is an aspect that fills you with self-confidence and provides you with the energy to pursue your goals. Therefore, you will engage with others easily and usually get what you want. Additionally, you will feel optimistic about the future, and your positive attitude will spread infectiously to those around you. In opposition to Jupiter, the Sun also signifies that matters you have waited on to come to fruition will begin to manifest.
Later in the day, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus. This station will primarily affect people with planets around 11-17 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). You will feel the urge to create change in your life, and there may be a feeling of restlessness when faced with the reality of your responsibilities. Try to manage your ambivalence by finding the middle ground between your duties and your desire to try new things.
Friday, August 20, 2021
On Friday, we have an exciting trine between Mercury in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus. Since Uranus recently stationed retrograde on Thursday, this aspect may be more potent than it normally is, so pay attention to the events of the day more closely than you normally would.
Mercury trine Uranus electrifies the mind and gets it going. You may find a solution to problems that you have failed to resolve with conventional solutions. It’s an excellent day to break your usual routine and experience new things – this could be a new restaurant, new activity, or even a new genre of music. Opening to possibilities and new experiences is essential while this aspect is active. Further, your intuition will be off the chains, so pay attention to your gut instincts.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
The Moon moves through social Aquarius throughout the day on Saturday. It’s a fantastic day to spend time with friends and reach out to your social circle. Connections with others will prove to be important.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Sunday is the biggest day of the week, astrologically speaking. Mars forms an energetic trine to Uranus, a Full Moon occurs in Aquarius, and the Sun moves out of Leo and into Virgo.
Let’s start with Mars trine Uranus.
Mars trine Uranus is an aspect of breaking free of conventional norms and taking a risk. As such, your inhibitions will be lowered, and you will have plenty of energy to embark on new adventures, goals, and activities. So if you have felt hesitant about doing something (and hopefully it’s legal), afraid, or too cautious to make a move, now is the time to do it.
Next up, you may feel a bit of DeJa’Vu, because this is our second Full Moon in Aquarius this year. So, we get the opportunity to run this one back.
This Full Moon cycle is excellent for breaking through stagnant situations (especially Karmic ones), developing better friendships, expanding your social circle, and opening new experiences. In addition, the Full Moon joins forces with Jupiter to provide some extra goodness with a cherry on top.
Later on Sunday, the Sun moves out of Leo and into Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign concerned with the physical world, natural laws, and how the real world works. Therefore, Virgo is associated with jobs, tasks, responsibilities, and rituals.
In the ancient world, one of the chief associations of Virgo was its rulership over servants. Although we are not servants in a technical sense, we should take care of ourselves, manage our lives, and be productive members of society. So, while we are in Virgo season, we must look at the areas of our lives that need management, repairs, and nurture the areas that need it. Making our lives more efficient helps us access the positive dimensions of the sign, and in doing so, we gain control and mastery over day-to-day living.
See you next week!
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