The astrology forecast for the week of July 26, 2021 – August 1, 2021 features three sign changes (Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars) and three planetary aspects (Mars oppose Jupiter, The Sun conjunct Mercury, and Mercury oppose Saturn). So, it will be another busy week in the cosmos and another tough weekend we should prepare for.
Let’s get started…
Monday, July 26, 2021
The Moon moves through emotional Pisces and opposes Venus in Virgo. Minor relationship issues may occur during the morning hours, temporarily killing your mood. However, your spirits should improve throughout the day. While the Moon moves through Pisces, turn inward, and focus on your feelings and spiritual connection. This evening, it may be time to Netflix and chill to escape from the real world.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Mercury moves out of Cancer and into dramatic Leo. Life will be in technicolor over the next two weeks, and you will need to express yourself to others. At times, you may feel at odds with people around you, but make sure you continue to shine your light proudly. Mercury in Leo is also excellent for creative projects and artistic endeavors.
Wednesday, June 28, 2021
Jupiter plans to ‘run it on back’ as he retrogrades out of Pisces and reenters Aquarius, where he will remain until December 30.
Jupiter in Aquarius is good news for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) currently being clobbered by Saturn square Uranus. Jupiter’s return to Aquarius will provide planets moving through the fixed signs some protection. However, the bad news is Jupiter in Aquarius is out of dignity, so the protection he offers is minimal, but still protection nonetheless.
The sign of Aquarius is about the collective group, human activity, society, and our individual communities. So, regardless of whether you like other people, you belong to something larger than yourself, and the sign of Aquarius governs that larger social body. Since Jupiter is about expansion and growth, it can be beneficial to grow your support system and connect to a vision larger than your own.
Jupiter is also about the big picture, and when he moves through Aquarius, it’s time to look at your big picture goals and act. While Jupiter is retrograde, you may even notice your big-picture priorities have changed, and now is the appropriate time to plant solid seeds for the future.
Thursday, June 29, 2021
Mars changes signs today, but before he does, he forms an opposition to Jupiter. This aspect is lucky, because most activities you participate in will be successful. It’s an excellent time to take a risk and go for the gold. Since the Sun (Mars’ ruler) and Saturn (Jupiter’s ruler) are highly dignified, they can aid Mars and Jupiter. The only thing you need to be cautious of is acting at the expense of others, because the potential conflict of Mars oppose Jupiter is avoidable.
Later in the day, Mars moves out of Leo and into Virgo, where he will reside for the next six weeks. Mars in Virgo is more thoughtful than Mars in Leo and more ‘the strategist’ than the solar hero. Mars in Virgo is great for planning, strategizing, and initiating changes in your daily life. If you are a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), you may experience mild opposition or obstacles in any actions you may take. The key for you will be persistence!
Friday, July 30, 2021
The Moon spends most of the day in energetic Aries. So it’s an excellent day to get things done and focus on activities that may need a boost of energy. Minor frustrations may be annoying during the early hours, and the Moon’s square to Pluto could intensify your emotions. But the afternoon hours should be bright and cheerful as the Moon sextiles Jupiter.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
The Moon spends her first full day in earthy Taurus. After an exhausting week of aspects and sign changes, the Moon in Taurus lets us slow down and take a moment to relax and enjoy life. It’s a wonderful day to go to the spa, get your nails done, or enjoy a delicious meal. Whatever you do today, try to enjoy it!
Sunday, August 1, 2021
If you need to get things done, do so during the morning hours, as the Sun conjoins Mercury in Leo. Also, it’s a great time to speak your mind and say whatever you need to tell others.
Later in the day, the storm clouds roll in as Mercury opposes Saturn in Aquarius. You may go through self-doubt, feelings of isolation, loneliness, and you may feel at odds with those around you – not from conflict, but because you believe they do not understand you. Try to avoid despair, because your problems may not be as bad as you think. Instead, try to find practical solutions that you can put in motion quickly and effectively.
See you next week…
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