The astrology forecast for this week features four planetary aspects (Mercury sextile Uranus, Venus oppose Jupiter, Mercury trine Neptune, and Mercury oppose Pluto), two sign changes (Venus and the Sun), and a Full Moon in Aquarius.
It’s going to be a busy week, so let’s dive in…
This week Mercury hogs the stage with aspects to all three outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Mercury is currently moving through emotionally fluid Cancer, and feelings and emotional responses will be heightened. Sometimes, you may feel that you are sacrificing your own needs and pleasing others who may not appreciate your sacrifices. So, coming face to face with other people’s selfishness may be an issue. To combat these feelings, you may have to create boundaries to find a middle ground and avoid getting resentful. Make sure you honor yourself this week and practice self-care when needed.
Mercury sextile Uranus
Mercury’s first aspect this week occurs on Tuesday, and it’s an energetic sextile to Uranus in Taurus.
Mercury sextile Uranus kicks the mind into high gear. New thoughts, ideas, solutions to perplexing problems, and breakthroughs are all available with this aspect. Uranus is a forward-thinking planet that focuses on the big picture. Mercury sextile Uranus can help you plan and strategize all your possibilities, and ultimately put them in motion.
More practically, Mercury sextile Uranus means it is time to break from routines and do something new and exciting. You may want to plan a night out, socialize with friends and like-minded individuals, or take up a new hobby or interest. This aspect encourages you to get out of your usual patterns and leap into something new.
Mercury trine Neptune
Saturday is a break from reality day as Mercury trines Neptune. This is not a day to make significant decisions or focus on projects or tasks that require focus. Instead, spiritual concerns, meditation, music, and the arts are needed to feed your soul. You may need to plan nothing and spend the day relaxing and escaping the real world. One thing sure to happen is your intuition will be turned up to power ranger mode. Listen to your gut, but choose a more focused day before you commit to anything.
Mercury opposes Pluto
The last of the Mercury aspects occurs on Sunday, and it’s a doozy as Mercury opposes Pluto. I’m not going to sugarcoat it; this is a challenging aspect. Mercury oppose Pluto can be obsessive, compulsive, and even paranoid. Consequently, your interactions with others can become contentious, hostile, and argumentative. You may feel the need to prove something to others, which may provoke an equally forceful exchange. Also, you may need to practice the art of walking away if you fear you will cross the line – especially if you say or reveal something you will later regret.
On a more positive note, Mercury oppose Pluto gets you to think deep. You may discover something about yourself that you didn’t know, or get clarity on an issue troubling you. Self-insight is critical when working with this energy productively.
Venus in Virgo
The goddess of love doesn’t like Virgo much, and she is considered in her fall in the sign of the virgin. Hence, you can already see the problem, as romantic and erotic love are at odds with everything Virgo represents. So, as you can expect, Venus is at odds with herself and probably a little cranky while she moves through the sign.
Venus in Virgo tends to work best in the physical world and prefers to focus on schedules, activities, and rituals. However, you may also find a sudden interest in dieting, beautifying your space by pruning what is no longer of value and taking care of your health.
Upon entering Virgo, Venus applies to an opposition with Jupiter. Ordinarily, oppositions are challenging, but since Venus and Jupiter are both beneficial planets, the only thing you need to be concerned about is taking things to extremes and overspending. Otherwise, Venus opposes Jupiter is positive and enjoyable. So spend some time doing activities that you love.
Sun in Leo
This week, the Sun leaves the sign of Cancer and moves into Leo, the sign he rules. It’s a great time to focus on what brings you happiness and joy. While the Sun is in the sign of the roaring lion, you can expect a boost in self-confidence, and you will feel the need to express yourself, including your wants and needs. Since the Sun will be in a sign opposition to Saturn and a sign square to disruptive Uranus, you may feel pressured by outside influences. Stay true to yourself and your vision, and don’t capitulate because it’s convenient for others.
Full Moon in Aquarius
Finally, the last major event of the week is a full moon in mental Aquarius. Since this Full Moon conjoins Saturn, your duties and responsibilities may take center stage towards the end of the week. Since Aquarius is a fixed sign, this Full Moon cycle is about building solid foundations that are lasting and future-oriented. At its root, Aquarius is not concerned with the now, but with the ability to strategize a more sustainable future. Therefore, looking at the big picture of life is necessary during this Full Moon.
See you next week!
(Editor’s Note: Due to time constraints and my need to focus on content for my upcoming product launch, I’m temporarily suspending the sign breakdowns. They will return in the future.)
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