This week’s astrology forecast and horoscopes feature some lovely aspects at the beginning of the week (Mercury trine Jupiter, Venus conjunct Mars, and Sun trine Neptune), but this weekend, batten down the hatches because the Sun opposes Pluto.
Mercury trine Jupiter
On Monday, Mercury in Cancer forms a lovely trine to Jupiter. On the practical level, Mercury trine Jupiter is excellent for signing contracts, communication, and the ability to expand our minds by learning new subjects and exploring new opportunities. It’s an easy-going aspect that is light and usually agreeable.
But perhaps the most useful application of Mercury trine Jupiter is its ability to envision and plan the future. While Mercury trine Jupiter is active, it’s a great time to create plans, develop strategies, and use the power of positive thinking to create a better tomorrow.
Venus conjunct Mars
Love is in the air this week as Venus and Mars conjoin in passionate Leo on Tuesday. Venus and Mars increase sexual attraction, improve your self-esteem, and give a massive boost of confidence. Additionally, Venus and Mars in Leo are known to set off romantic fireworks! Venus conjunct Mars is excellent for working on relationships issues, understanding your partner’s needs, and expressing yourself in positive and individual ways. And, since Venus conjunct Mars happens while Mercury trine Jupiter is active, you can expect positive conversations about the future. For some of you, it may even be a perfect week to plan a wedding.
Sun trine Neptune
Towards the middle of the week, the Sun forms a lovely trine to Neptune in Pisces. Now, it’s not an auspicious time to perform activities that require discipline and mental focus, but Sun trine Neptune is an excellent time for creative projects and spiritual work. In addition, you may find that you are more sensitive to the emotional needs of others and are more willing to help those in need. Also, if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of daily living, Thursday is the day to do it.
Sun opposes Pluto
Finally, after a week of relatively light energy, the ‘nasties’ will be out in full force this weekend, as the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. You may feel that people are trying to control you or limit your freedoms. Expect power plays, manipulative people to creep out of their layers, and potential conflicts with authority figures. Also, avoid being overly willful; you may attract unwanted attention.
Weekly Horoscopes
Unresolved issues from the past may finally get resolution and even give you a broader perspective on life. Tuesday, you can expect serious relationship conversations that may ultimately lead to discussions about the future. If you are a single Aries, it’s time to put yourself out there. Your improved self-confidence will attract the opposite sex in droves. This weekend, avoid altercations with others; they will not lead to positive results.
This week, you have the opportunity to expand your knowledge base, and it may prove financially beneficial to you in the long run. On Tuesday, Venus and Mars conjoin in your solar 4th house, and a date night may be on the menu. Use this positive energy to deepen your relationship connections. A friend in need may call upon you. Make sure you approach the situation with compassion.
It’s an excellent week for you on the financial front. Positive news may come at the beginning of the week, and if you need to sign contracts or make a business deal, now is the time. On Tuesday, conversations with others may prove illuminating. You may also have deep romantic discussions about the future with your partner. This weekend, someone may attempt a powerplay behind your back. Don’t concede or cower in the face of adversity; it will lead to feelings of powerlessness.
The future will be your primary focus this week, as Mercury trines Jupiter in your big picture 9th house. You may even consider learning something new or returning to school. During the middle of the week, you may need to take some downtime and step away from the real world. Recharging your batteries may be an essential step in your self-care. This weekend, relationship turbulence may lead to arguments and hurt feelings if they are not adequately contained. Avoid excessive demands, but ensure your needs are met.
Your intuitive faculties will be in high gear this week as Mercury in your solar 12th house trines benevolent Jupiter. Make sure you listen to your inner voice when making decisions; it will rarely lead you wrong. On Tuesday, your romantic life lights up like a Christmas tree. Take this time to connect with your significant other, or if you are single, new opportunities may appear on the horizon. This weekend, as the Sun opposes Pluto, you may end up battling your most bitter enemy – the one in your head.
Your friendships will prove crucial at the beginning of the week, as Mercury in your solar 11th house trines Jupiter. You may even feel inspired by your encounters with others, which could fuel positive feelings throughout the week. Be careful, spending money this week with Venus and Mars in your solar 12th house. This combo could lead to overspending. This weekend, you may end up in an altercation with a child or children. Handle matters with care.
Positive energies are circling your job and career this week. You may receive recognition for a job well done, and the possibility for raises or promotions. In addition, Venus and Mars conjoin in your solar 11th house, indicating that friendships will be important to you. If you are a single Libra, you may even discover romance in your social circle. Over the weekend, be on guard because familial responsibilities may seem like a hindrance and block you from leveling up. Avoid making choices and decisions that may affect your long-term future.
Work and career will be the primary focus throughout the week. However, you may feel inspired by those around you, and these positive feelings may help you level up. Since Mercury is forming a lovely trine to Jupiter in your solar 5th house, it’s a wonderful week for creative projects or work that requires your colorful imagination. Over the weekend, try to block out the noise in your head and focus on your goals and objectives.
This week, your family may be a source of enjoyment, as Mercury trines your planetary ruler Jupiter in your solar 4th house. So it’s an excellent week for you to get some extra rest if you can. On Tuesday, expect new ideas to inspire an increased creative flow, leading to new long-range goals that could be prosperous. The only thing to watch out for this week is to ensure that your current obligations are not draining your soul and use resources that could be more productive elsewhere.
Relationships will be your primary focus this week – both romantic and business-related. If you need to have a conversation or discuss issues with your partners, this would be the week to do so. On Tuesday, Venus and Mars conjoin in your solar 8th house. Financial obligations may be a concern, but quickly resolved. This weekend, expect problematic people to come out in droves; avoid playing their silly mind games.
Your love life will heat up this week with Venus conjoining Mars in your solar 7th house. It’s a wonderful week to focus on your relationships and let your partner know how much you care. Single Aquarius people, take heed! It’s time to put yourself out there, because new love may be on the way. Later in the week, spiritual matters may be front and center as the Sun trines Neptune. You may need a brief reprieve from the real world, and a weekend getaway could be a viable option.
Your disposition this week should be hopeful, as Mercury trines Jupiter in your solar 1st house. It’s an excellent week for setting goals and creating strategies that will lead to a brighter and more fulfilling future. Later in the week, you may need to offer help or assistance to someone in need. However, this weekend, watch and listen carefully to those around you. Someone may have a hidden agenda or dubious motives. Stay guarded!
See you next week!
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