Astrology Forecast and Horoscopes for the week of June 21, 2021 – June 27, 2021
The astrology and horoscope forecast for the week of June 21, 2021 – June 27, 2021, features one of the most positive aspects of the year, Venus moving into Leo and Mercury finally turning direct in Gemini.
Can I get an AMEN?
Let’s begin with the cosmic weather event that occurred late on Sunday (in North America): The Sun moved out of Gemini and into Cancer and marked the official beginning of summer in the North Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
As we move through Cancer season, we leave the airy mental heights of Gemini and dive into the waters of the sign of the crab. In astrology, water signs are nurturing, compassionate, empathic, craves connections and emotional reliability. So, Cancer season is about finding the emotional sustenance that we need, connecting with those we care about and building emotional reliability through those connections. Also, in the mystical kabbalah, Cancer is the sign associated with healing and removing disease (dis-ease) by clearing negative behavior patterns that may be blocking us from living the life we want to live.
Now, there is good news this Cancer season. Jupiter will be in the sign of Pisces and forms a sign-based trine to the Sun. Last year, during Cancer season, there was an aura of uncertainty, confusion, isolation, and despair hovering over everything during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year this has changed (even though we are still in the pandemic), and we will go through Cancer season looking forward to all the potentials and possibilities we can create in the future.
Now, on with the forecast…
Mercury Turns Direct in Gemini
Although Mercury turning direct in Gemini is not the best news of the week, it is right up there with it as Mercury changes course on June 22nd. During the first part of the week, expect another onslaught of communications problems, electronic devices acting up, and plans to go awry. However, as the week goes on, Mercury will slowly move forward. It’s a great time to clear up any communication problems, disagreements and attempt to repair any damage caused during the retrograde. You are also free to make plans and decisions once again.
Sun in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces
In astrology, the Sun trine Jupiter is one of the most favorable days of the year, so positive that it should provide somewhat of a protective shield from the worst of Venus oppose Pluto (although Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn may feel the effects of Venus square Pluto stronger).
The Sun and Jupiter are both fiery planets, and even though they are both in water signs, there is still a feeling of optimism, and our focus will be on future potentials and possibilities. Sun trine Jupiter is hopeful, which will be a pretty different attitude than the last couple of years when Saturn was in Capricorn and opposing the Sun, which can be a big downer. Also, this aspect augurs a time when you can take a risk or a gamble on pursuing new opportunities in your life. If you have been waiting for a great window of time to start something new, now is the time to act.
Full Moon in Capricorn
This week we have a Full Moon in earthy Capricorn, and we officially end eclipse season. Now, in astrology, the sign of Capricorn is not as glamorous as Leo or Sagittarius, nor is it as people-oriented as Libra or Aquarius.
Capricorn is an earth sign that is concerned with practical realities. So, during this Full Moon cycle, issues surrounding duties, obligations, and responsibilities will surface. The Capricorn Full Moon instructs us to look at how we utilize our practical resources (most importantly time and money) and look at whether our choices and decisions are adding to our lives or subtracting from it. Since Saturn rules Capricorn, you may need to look at your boundaries and limits and decide whether they are too rigid or too malleable. But mainly, this Full Moon cycle is about letting go of everything that is not adding to your successes in life.
Venus in Leo
Finally, on Saturday, Venus moves out of emotional Cancer and into fiery Leo.
One of my favorite moves is Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, not because the movie was popular, but because the character of Sandy makes choices about love and pleasure.
In the movie, Sandy wants a serious relationship with Danny, the rebel hero of the film. Danny is part of the T-Birds, a group of oversexualized grease balls that shy away from commitment and responsibility and instead thrives on fun and sexual pleasures.
Sandy spends most of the movie trying to be acknowledged and respected by Danny but fails until she understands her desires, wants and needs, and can express her expectations. Once she discovers her value, she transforms into a siren with the powers to lure Danny and convince him (through song) to give her what she wants.
Sandy is a perfect image of Venus in Leo. While Venus is in Leo, we should focus on our wants and desires, our expectations of love relationships, and the value of being respected and acknowledged for who we are. After all, every queen (or king) deserves the best, and that includes you!
Weekly Horoscopes
(Read the horoscopes for your Sun sign and your rising sign if you know it.)
Family matters highlight the beginning of the week for you as the Sun moves into Cancer and your solar 4th house. It’s a great week to redecorate, tend to your flowers and plants, and reach out to those you care for. Later in the week, the Full Moon lands in your solar 10th house of work and career. You may experience opposition from others on the work front, but don’t let them drag you down because it’s your time to shine. This weekend, romance fills the air as Venus joins sexy Mars in your solar 5th house of passion and pleasure.
Communicating and socializing with friends and associates may be a significant focus throughout the week. Music and the creative arts show up prominently in your horoscope and a good way for you to relax and relieve stress. Later in the week, focusing on big picture goals will help you map out your future. This weekend, Venus moves into your solar 4th house, and your best bet would be enjoying the pleasures and comforts of home.
Someone may present to you a financial opportunity that is too good to be true. Think wisely before making decisions that you may ultimately regret. On Tuesday, your planetary ruler Mercury goes direct in your solar 1st house, and it’s a great time to clear up any communication flap that occurred. Later in the week, power struggles may be a thorn in your relationships, but don’t fret; Venus moves into Leo, and love will be in the air once again.
This week the Sun leaves the past behind and is focused on the future as it moves into your solar 1st house. You may notice an increase in energy and a noticeable improvement in your self-confidence. Later in the week, the Full Moon in your solar 7th house brings relationship issues center stage. However, a resolution to any conflicts should be your priority, and you should repair any damage that may have occurred.
It’s time for your shining light to go on hiatus to recharge your batteries and prepare for a new solar year next month. Problems from the past may resolve themselves this week to your advantage. Financial issues may surface towards the end of the week, and you may need to focus on your fiscal situation more frequently. This weekend Venus moves into your solar 1st house, and for you single Leos, new love interests may enter along with her.
This week starts with new creative partnerships that may potentially prove lucrative at the beginning of the week. Additionally, your social circle will have your back and will help you level up when you need it the most. Mercury turns direct in your solar 10th house on Tuesday, and all the career tensions you’ve experienced recently will slowly improve. Later this week, the Full Moon lands in your solar 5th house of fun and pleasure. Take some time to squeeze in activities you enjoy.
Your generous nature may come out center stage, and someone may call on your help at the beginning of the week. Further, you may be required to make sacrifices on the career front for the greater good. Later in the week, the Full Moon happens in your solar 4th house. If you want to sell property, put your home on the market, or purchase a new property, this Full Moon cycle is the time to do it. This weekend, if you had a falling out with a friend or loved one during the retrograde, opportunities to repair the damage will present themselves. Be open, honest, and transparent.
The Sun moves into Cancer at the beginning of the week and into your solar 9th house. It’s time to focus on the big picture and map out your goals for the future. Spiritual matters or concerns will be a central theme this week, and it’s a great time to get in touch with your inner feelings. Issues concerning a sibling or close friend may surface with the Full Moon in your solar 3rd house. This weekend, Venus moves into Leo and activates your career sector. It’s time to stand out from the crowd and be acknowledged for the work you do.
This week, the Sun moves into your solar 8th house, and it’s time to clear up your debts and make good on your obligations. At the beginning of the week, you may find pleasure and enjoyment in your creative pursuits. On Tuesday, Mercury turns direct in your solar 7th house. You are now free to pursue business deals, forge alliances, and start projects. The Full Moon this week lands in your financial sector, and new financial opportunities and business-related projects will be prosperous. If you want to get away for a weekend, it’s a great time to do so with Venus moving into your solar 9th house.
Relationship issues will be your primary focus throughout Cancer season, with the Sun moving into your solar 7th house. At the beginning of the week, deep conversations with others will provide you with much-needed soul food. You may even discover truths about yourself that you never considered before. The Full Moon occurs this week in your sign, and it’s a great time to build yourself up by releasing everything (and everyone) that’s no longer adding to your life. Later in the week, a friendship or partnership may come to an end. Let it go! Continuing to focus on people that were in your life for a season will steal your joy.
This week your primary focus will be on completing tasks and day-to-day activities that may have piled up recently. At the beginning of the week, someone may call on you to help with their problems. Be as compassionate and understanding as possible, but keep firm boundaries. Later in the week, financial improvement is possible through unexpected sources. The Full Moon occurs in your solar 12th house, and problems from the past may resurface and need resolution. The good news is that this weekend, Venus moves into your solar 7th house and heats up your love life.
Your creative juices may steadily flow this week as the Sun moves into your solar 5th house. Issues with a child or children may also be a focus. At the beginning of the week, you may feel more romantic than usual as Venus forms a favorable aspect to Neptune. On Tuesday, opportunities to resolve family disputes may occur as Mercury turns direct in your solar 4th house. Later in the week, the Full Moon lands in your friendship sector, and you may attract new people into your life that share your values and interests. Finally, this weekend, you may find yourself knee-deep in beautifying your surroundings.
See you next week!
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