This week we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special feature – Saturn square Uranus.
Each week, I ordinarily go through the astrology hotspots and then give the horoscope for each sign. However, this week there is not a lot going on except that the most potent aspect of 2021 occurs for the second time this year. So, I figured I would break down the aspect and how we can work with Saturn square Uranus personally.
But first, just a reminder, Mercury remains retrograde until June 22nd. Continue to expect communication issues, problems with electronic devices, and plans to go awry. Also, avoid making any major decisions (if possible) until Mercury turns direct.
Now, on with the show…
The Mythology
So, who are these dudes Saturn and Uranus?
In mythology, Uranus and Saturn are father and son. According to Robert Graves’ understanding of Greek cosmology, Uranus (the sky) laid upon Gaia (the earth), and out of this daily coupling sprang the Titans (along with several other creatures like giants and the cyclops). Uranus is the sky god or the Divine Mind, so he is concerned with ideas, schemes, and patterns in a perfected state, yet when he couples with Gaia and she gave birth to his children, they were not what he expected. They were tainted by the imperfections of life, and Uranus was disgusted, so he shoved them into Tartarus (the unconscious) to be forgotten.
Out of sight, out of mind!
The myth tells us that Gaia (Uranus’ mother-wife) eventually gets tired of Uranus banishing her children to the underworld and she armed her son Saturn with a sickle. Saturn waited patiently for the right time to strike and as Uranus began to slumber, Saturn castrated his father and ended his reign. Gaia then installs Saturn as the new king.
Of course, the obvious understanding of this myth is the clash between generations. Essentially Saturn and Uranus reflect that each generation eventually must relinquish its reign to the next generation. We can see this alive and well today with a generation that relied upon earthly resources to progress and acquire wealth and a new generation that is concerned with global warming and economic disparity. And even though our political choices have continued to support the status quo, inevitably the next generation will take the throne. However, every generation that comes to power faces the reality that eventually it will have to hand over the reins to the next generation.
Rinse and repeat!
Saturn square Uranus on the Personal Level
On the personal level, Saturn square Uranus signifies the need to change areas of your life that may be too rigid or that you are hanging onto because they are comfortable. Of course, any time we are faced with the need to make changes, frustrations, and anxieties often arise, so Saturn square Uranus can be extremely troubling, especially if there is little room for progress in your life. The key to this aspect is to find ways to make changes without blowing up your life. [Side Note: The fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius – may feel Saturn square Uranus more intensely than the other signs).
Take a deep and honest look at the areas of your life that feel stagnant and begin to find ways to change them. If you feel stuck in a dead-end job, now would be the time to look at new opportunities by discovering a career path that brings you meaning and purpose. Likewise, if your relationship feels stagnant and you are losing that loving feeling, then you may need to add a bit of spice to your relationships and/or change your day-to-day relationship patterns. In some cases, you may need to make difficult decisions about your relationships and whether your needs are being met. Being proactive about Saturn square Uranus is the best approach because if we fail to meet the demands of these planetary energies, they tend to make the changes for us – and usually, they are not very pleasant.
Despite the intense energies of these two planets, there is one thing to remember: All aspects have a purpose. In the case of Saturn square Uranus, that purpose is for us to create change in our lives and let go of old structures (patterns, habits, even people) that may be preventing our progress. So, Saturn square Uranus helps us level up. It pushes us to the next level, and once we make the necessary changes our lives become more fulfilling and secure.
“We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.”
- JoyBell C.
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