Astrology Forecast and Horoscopes for May 31, 2021 – June 6, 2021
The astrology forecast and horoscopes for the week of May 31, 2021, feature an energetically calmer week until we get to the weekend when all hell breaks loose.
So, make sure you enjoy the good vibes while they last!
Let’s dive in…
Astrology Hot Spots:
Mercury Rx in Gemini / Mercury square Neptune
Just a reminder, Mercury turned retrograde on Saturday in a close applying square to Neptune in Pisces. Throughout the week, communication will continue to break down until the exact conjunction on Saturday, June 5. Expect misunderstandings, brain fog, and problems seeing the truth to be the significant themes throughout the week. Also, as usual, during Mercury retrograde – avoid signing documents, making major decisions, and expect electronic devices to break down.
To learn more about the full impact of Mercury retrograde, you can read my article: Mercury Rx in Gemini 2021.
Venus in Cancer / Venus trine Jupiter
On Wednesday, Venus leaves social Gemini and enters Cancer. In the sign of the crab, you will find that Venus is much more sentimental, affectionate and needs to feel like she belongs to someone. You will be more sensitive to the actions and reactions of those you care about, especially family members and romantic interests. When Venus is in Cancer, I suggest that people stay at home and find activities that will help them create deeper bonds and lasting memories. Venus remains in Cancer until June 27.
Immediately following Venus’ ingress into Cancer (Thursday), Venus will form a beneficial trine to Jupiter in Pisces. Venus trine Jupiter is a favorable aspect, and emotional situations that are currently experiencing difficulties may get some relief. Your feelings towards others will improve, and you will have an increased need to connect with those you care for. Additionally, this is a great time to repair any damage to relationships and get them moving in the right direction once again.
Venus trine Jupiter is also great for business meetings, negotiations, and all financial matters. Just keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde before finalizing decisions.
Sun trine Saturn
Most of the time, when you hear an astrologer say the planet Saturn, you will listen to moans and groans that reflect the other person’s displeasure. Let me be frank – Saturn can be a difficult planet, especially when he is conjoined, squared, or opposed to another planet. Just look at the cosmic tsunami unleashed in 2020 when Saturn conjoined a filled basket of inhabitants in Capricorn. However, the sextile and trines tend to bring out the ‘ringed one’ positive side.
On Thursday, the Sun forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius, and this aspect tends to stabilize our lives. This doesn’t mean that problems will magically go away; instead, our outlook will be more balanced, and we are willing to put forth the effort to make things happen. Oh, and of course, we will be more disciplined.
Thursday and Friday are great days to accomplish something or complete a task. Work and career-related matters should flow easily, and you may receive acknowledgment for your hard work. Just make sure that you get what you need finished by the weekend because the energies are pretty intense.
Mars opposes Pluto
Of all the planetary aspects, I find Mars oppose Pluto one of the most difficult to manage because we are more reactive when we are in situations that are difficult to control. To make matters worse, the “nasties” (meaning nasty people) tend to crawl out of their caves and are in ‘full on’ attack mode.
You may find yourself at odds with others, especially if you feel controlled and manipulated. In its most extreme mode, Mars oppose Pluto can be violent, so avoid situations where conflict may occur. Mars opposes Pluto on Saturday afternoon.
Sign Breakdowns
You may need to make a concerted effort to keep a watch on your tongue as Mercury retrogrades in your solar 3rd house. Projects that involve discipline and the cooperation of others should flow smoothly midweek. Possible quarrels with family members may occur this weekend. Try to control your reaction to others, especially those on a powertrip.
Mercury retrogrades through your solar 2nd house, and it’s time to put your financial affairs in order. This week is an excellent time to review banking information, due bills, and balance your checkbook to get to the bottom line. Towards the middle of the week, you may receive recognition for a job well done. However, keep your opinions to yourself this weekend to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Geminis, you are in the hot seat this retrograde cycle because Mercury is moving through your sign. You may need to take an honest look at your life and make course corrections if required. Towards the middle of the week, career opportunities will allow you to shine. However, this weekend, ghosts from the past may burst out of the closet, leaving you anxious and overwhelmed.
This week Mercury retrograde moves through your solar 12th house, and it’s time to put the final nail in the coffin on unresolved situations. You may find people that you have prior beef with resurfacing like a pack of hell hounds. The good news is that once you resolve these issues, they will likely disappear once and for all. This weekend avoid unnecessary relationship conflicts.
Mercury retrograde is going to wreak havoc in your solar 11th house of friends and associates. You may spend the retrograde cycle dealing with a gossip or trouble maker forcing you to clear toxic people from your crew. Reviewing your investments or overall fiscal picture may be a theme midweek. This weekend problematic people may try to affect your vibe. Ignore them if possible.
Career-related issues will be your primary theme throughout the Mercury retrograde cycle. You may feel that no matter how much effort you muster, it’s never enough to accomplish your goals. You may receive some relief when a supportive friend rescues you with some advice and a dose of tender loving care. Avoid arguments this weekend, especially with children or young people.
Mercury retrograde in your solar 9th house means that you need to check and recheck travel plans to ensure your trips go smoothly. Avoid unnecessary headaches by practicing due diligence. On Thursday, Venus moves into your solar 10th house and shines a spotlight on your career. Positive opportunities occur when you least expect them. This weekend, stay on guard; someone may attempt to hurt your reputation. Nip it in the bud as quickly as possible.
Mercury retrograde moves through your debt-oriented solar 8th house. You may need to take a close look at your finances and prepare for unexpected expenses. Emotional conflicts may smooth over later in the week as the Sun trines Saturn. But, this weekend, avoid arguments over opinions or political matters because it’s not worth the potential long-term damage.
Relationship issues may be a problem during this Mercury retrograde cycle, mainly if past grievances or imbalance exists. You may have difficulties seeing your partners clearly, and it would be a wise decision to listen before you speak. Close friends may be a source of support and security that you can rely on. This weekend, avoid places where conflict is likely to occur because it may put an avoidable dent in your wallet.
Work-related matters, schedules, and deadlines may be an unavoidable canker sore this Mercury retrograde season. You may experience moments when you feel like you are getting the run around from those you depend on, forcing you to take on more than you can handle. Unexpected financial wins could occur midweek. Relationship conflicts may erupt when you least expect them over the weekend.
People from the past may resurface, leaving you both anxious and intrigued. Although you may initially like the attention, remember there is a reason you put them in the rearview mirror in the first place. You may get an opportunity to have some fun towards the middle of the week, so take advantage of invites from others that may feed your social soul. Job-related issues may be a source of conflict this weekend.
You may have problems with appliances or electronic devices as Mercury retrogrades through your solar 4th house. These pesky annoyances could leave you rattled and anxious. The good news is that a knight (or lady) in shining armor may arrive when you need them the most, midweek. This weekend, stay on guard; conflicts and arguments may irrevocably damage your friendships. Avoid argumentative people.
Shameless Plug Alert
I do have some good news. A few years ago, I created a candle to help combat the influences of Mercury retrograde with my friend Jacki Smith of Coventry Creations. We named the candle “Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer,” which is available to purchase from my store during the retrograde. So, if you find yourself in a cosmic pickle, neutralize it!
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