Do you ever think about what you want, but when you get it, you are often disappointment?
Have you started something new and imagined it would be wonderful and amazing, but later it was nothing but a big letdown?
I think, we all have, and there is a term for this – idealization.
You see, we can pretty much idealize anything – work, career, financial circumstances, but this week love and relationships is the area that is under fire.
As we move into the first full week of Scorpio Season, a powerful aspect between Venus and Pluto occurs in the cosmos. This combination is notorious for bringing out anything that may be hiding under the surface of relationships – especially the nasty stuff like jealousy and resentment.
The good news is that Mercury steps in to help us out. Mercury, which now is in inquisitive Scorpio, will show us exactly where the problems are in our relationships and we can begin to make changes accordingly.
One area where frustrations are likely to occur is general boredom, rigid routines, and experiencing the same old, same old. Towards the end of the week, Venus will oppose Uranus and shake things up. Do something different in your relationships to spice them up and keep things fresh and exciting. Otherwise, the more the relationship remains static and the same, the more frustrated you are going to be.
Take a good look at your relationships this week and decide where they can be improved. Often, the process of being honest with your emotions and being willing to work through difficulties, can bring a relationship (and I mean all relationships) back to center, and infuse them with new energy and passion.
Now, on with your forecast…
Aries: Relationships are your focus with Mars moving through the 7th house this week. You may, at times, feel like you are being controlled or pressured, which could lead to a bit of tension with others. Otherwise, it’s a great week to socialize and spend time with friends and associates. Opportunities may present themselves in unlikely places.
Taurus: Keeping yourself from being overly frustrated is how you play the game this week. Venus continues to move through your 6th house but forms difficult aspects to Pluto and Uranus. This week you need to focus on what you enjoy about your work (or career) and what is stale and boring. Financial frustrations may be annoying but will work out with your normal finesse. Finally, with the Moon in the 10th, it’s a great week to promote yourself and ultimately get what you want.
Gemini: Life changes and that’s just the fact that none of us can ignore. Sometimes ordinary living creates necessary changes on how we live our day to day lives. This week you may need to make changes to how you run your life – just minor tweaks to make your life more manageable. Plus, minor repairs may need to be made to your home or dwelling. The Moon lands in your 9th house, and this is a great week to focus on the big picture of your life and look towards a brighter and better you.
Cancer: Family matters may be a concern throughout the week, and unresolved issues from the past may resurface. If your relationships are going through trouble or frustrations, these problems could be linked to the unresolved family of origin issues that may need to be addressed. A minor aspect between the Moon and Neptune could promote exploring your creative talents and could open the door to new interests and hobbies.
Leo: Your life may not land the way you would like it to with so many planets being in your mutable houses. You may need to go with the flow and accept the changes as they occur rather than fighting them. Towards the end of the week, your creative juices will begin to flow, and you will feel that your life is back on track. The Moon lands in your solar 7th house and new romantic interests may enter the scene. If you are in a relationship, change things up a bit, and do something new and exciting.
Virgo: Words matter! Yours will matter this week as your chart ruler, Mercury, lands in your 3rd house of communication and not only will you unearth some valuable knowledge, but you will express yourself with force and power. This week you can easily get people to see your point of view, but do so with conscious thought and try not to push your ideas on them too forcefully. The Moon lands in your 6th house and changes could occur at work or work-related activities.
Libra: It’s a big week for Libra with Venus being under fire. Family issues may be a prominent theme of the week, as well as relationship issues. It may be necessary for you to let go of anything in your relationships that are not working and make necessary changes because the alternative could lead to bigger problems down the road. Mars in your 1st house signifies that you should take a deep look at what you want and need, and then go after them because the Moon is ruling your solar 10th house gives you the ability to achieve your goals.
Scorpio: There is so much energy going on for you that you may need a power plant to contain it all. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are all moving through your sign, and you should feel on top of the world. It’s a great week for you to let your creative juices flow and express intense emotions. Helping others is recommended, especially those in great need that will appreciate you. Ghosts from the past may resurface with your chart ruler in your solar 12th house. Acknowledge them. Honor them. Let them go.
Sagittarius: The force will be with you this week as old things come to an end and new things begin. Ideas, inspiration, and intuition will be off the charts, and it may be necessary for you to put some of those hunches to good use. Siblings may also be an issue with the Moon in the 3rd. Reach out to them and let them know you care, and it’s a great week to repair any damage if it’s occurred.
Capricorn: Security is the major focus for the week, and one of the easiest ways to ensure feelings of security is through the checkbook. New opportunities to make money may present themselves throughout the week. Your career may be a source of tension, and you may need to confront conflicts head-on before they fester. If any family conflicts occur, they will be resolved quickly, and everyone will walk away happy.
Aquarius: Groups and associates will be important to you throughout the week, but specifically to help you flesh out your ideas. New friends and acquaintances may enter your life through networking and social activities. The Moon lands in your 1st house, so personal changes are likely, and new job opportunities may open for you. If you are looking for a new job, this is the week for you to up your game.
Pisces: Problems from the past may resurface this week. They can come in the form of worldly problems or people problems but will be problematic nonetheless. This will drive you to look at the big picture of your life and put things in their proper perspective. After all, with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in your 9th house, getting a larger take on your life and what matters to you is the name of the game. If your creative juices percolate this week, put them to good use and make the most of them.
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