Can you believe how synchronicity works?
I mean, I have been a student of Jung for a very long time, and it still just makes me fall out of my chair when it happens.
You see, a few weeks ago I decided to do some bible magic. I do not see nearly enough discussion of it in the pagan community with a few exceptions – Star Casas (who is amazing) being one of them. But, the Bible is one of the most powerful magical tomes that exists and should be used more frequently.
I know what you are saying, “Well, it’s part of fundamental Christianity, and I really do not want to be part of that.”
I understand. But, fundamental Christians do not own the bible – PEOPLE DO!
Much of the Bible has been misinterpreted and misaligned for centuries. I plan to do some writing on that as well.
But, I digress.
Anyways, a few days after I decided I was going to do Bible magic as a regular new feature of my website, Dorothy Morrison let me have a sneak peek at some of the new stuff she is working on. Her latest “Bu$y Bee” product line fits perfectly into where I planned to begin with the Bible.
So, if you possibly can put any preconceived opinions that you have about the Bible on a shelf (and if you have problems doing that, check out Rob Bell’s book, “What is the Bible?”) and just try it to let it work its magic.
Before Dorothy wrote to me, I decided to begin my Bible Magic series with the book of Psalms. It’s one of the most famous books of the Bible, and it is probably the most accepted by magical practitioners.
Let’s dig in.
To work with this spell, you are going to need the following:
1 Jar (mason jar or baby food jar)
1 bottle of honey (enough to fill the jar ¾ of the way filled)
1 packet of seeds (anything that grows over and over like grass or dandelion)
1 bottle of Bu$y Bee Oil
1 bottle of Bu$y Bee Spray
1 green birthday candle (you can use white if you don’t have green, but green is the color of money)
1 petition sheet (I use green ‘post-its’ for any money or client based spell)
Open the jar, and if it has any contents dump them out and clean the jar. Try to remove the label if possible. Use warm soap and water and then if it is a problem grab a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it together in a small bowl. Spread the mixture onto the label remains and let it sit there for 20-30 minute, and then wash it again.
Next, take a packet of seeds and dump them into the jar.
Now grab your Bu$y Bee Oil and put 20 drops of it into the jar and then fill the jar with honey until it is ¾ of the way full.
Write the following on your petition:
Your name 3 X followed by the following Psalm verse:
“And I will be like a tree firmly planted (and fed) by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; its leaf does not wither; And in whatever I do, I prosper.”
Now fold up the petition towards you, and then place it in the jar with the materials.
Seal up the jar and light the birthday candle and let it drip on the cover. It does not have to be perfect and fancy; this is magic, not Martha Stewart.
Now every day until the spray is done, spray the room that you work in the most with Bu$y Bee spray and shake your jar. Keep your jar close to you when you are working – like on a desk or a shelf near you.
You can purchase Bu$y Bee products on Dorothy Morrison’s website, Wicked Witch Studios.
Happy Casting!
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