Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because I like things crisp – always have! I have no clue why, but when things get disorganized, too busy, and feels cluttered, I tend to feel uncomfortable and on edge. I suppose it could be my Mercury conjunct Pluto in Virgo in the 12th house, but when things are not nice and tidy, I get urges to renovate and organize.
Since spring is fully upon us, I have decided to do a small bit of renovation on my blog. After all, this is my home on the web and I like feeling comfortable in my home. I have recently updated some of the photos and over the coming months I may decide to do a complete design change – although to be honest, l like the crisp blue.
The biggest change that I am going to make is moving the daily cosmic weather forecast (my term for my daily astrology musings) and put them on my Facebook page. Now, I will continue to do astrological blog posts on my blog, but I want to focus blog posts on the larger astrological picture and my successful free online astrology course Astro 101.
I am always curious about what the tarot has to say about certain topics. So I pulled a card from the tarot asking the question, “What is spring cleaning?” The card that I pulled is the King of Pentacles! In the Rider Waite Smith deck, the King of Pentacles shows a man sitting on his throne with the fruits of his abundance surrounding him. His robe is covered with plant life symbolizing growth and abundance and he holds a scepter in one hand and a pentacle in the other. He is in control of his domain and is the fertile force of his kingdom. In many ways, the card reflects our need to do spring cleaning in order to continue the harvest. After all, you have to pull out the old weeds in order for the plants to grow. Once everything is all nice and clean, we can sit on our throne like the King and really enjoy our accomplishments.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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