The Astrological Moon — Getting Your Needs Met Once and For All
When you woke up this morning, did you check your horoscope? Well, most people do, and it has been a morning ritual for millions over the last century. Sun sign columns are based on the conditions of the Sun sign that one is born under. Sun sign columns are so popular that not knowing what ‘sign you are’ is a rarity.
Over the course of the last 25 years, I have counseled thousands of individuals as an intuitive and an astrologer. I have come to the conclusion that although the astrological Sun is important to living an authentic life, the astrological Moon is equally important. Furthermore, I have found that most of the problems an individual experiences in later life are usually bound up with unresolved lunar issues that inadvertently block our solar potential.
In astrology, the Moon reflects our “basic ground” (although there are other things such as our ability to express our emotions and our relationship with our mothers that the Moon rules as well) — what we need in order to feel fulfilled enough to approach life’s challenges. It is the ‘psychic’ food that we receive at birth that allows us to develop into mature sophisticated individuals. In this blog post, I will focus on the interpretation of the Moon through the lens of what we need based on the sign that she is placed in. (If you do not know your Moon sign, then you can get one for free on this website.)
The Moon in the Fire Signs
Moon in Aries:
Independence and self-awareness are the two biggest needs for the Moon in Aries; however the process to get there is sometimes a bit of a battle. This lunar placement has a unique need to be first in whatever it does because the thrill of the potential for victory trumps the monotony of ordinary life. Why? It’s rather simple, the Moon in Aries needs to feel that it can create a lasting imprint on the outer world and it will pursue difficult tasks and the unobtainable simply to prove that what may be impossible for others is in fact possible as long as one has enough grit and determination to get it done. Of course, this can lead to difficulties in relationships with others because to get to the top sometimes you have to do it by climbing on the backs of other people that may not necessarily enjoy unbridled ambition or the disregard for the feelings and opinions of others. However, the Arien process is not to upset the apple cart or offend others, it is to develop self-understanding that helps to formulate their own individual world.
Moon in Leo:
The Moon in Leo has a notorious reputation in astrological circles because of its dramatic emotional expression and its need to be the center of attention. In fact, if the Moon in Leo has to sit in the green room or offstage it can tend to become rather persnickety or depressed. Yet, underneath this showy extroverted placement is a deep need to be appreciated. According to Webster, the word appreciated means to ‘recognize the full worth of’, and this definition is rather apt for the Moon in fiery Leo. Although the Moon in Leo loves the stage and all the theatrics involved with their performance, on the inner level it really just wants to be understood for the divine being it truly is. Of course, this can be rather annoying to the air and earth signs which are not really concerned with potentials and possibilities. However, for the Moon in Leo being an individual and unique and valued is far more important than status and position, and being acknowledged and having loyalty from others nurtures the soul of those born with this placement.
Moon in Sagittarius:
The Moon in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius brings out the childlike qualities of enthusiasm, imagination, and creativity. The world becomes a gigantic oyster of potential and Moon in Sagittarius is more than willing to take advantage of it. After all, as long as life is one big adventure then the world of structure and responsibility is held at bay and one can remain enthusiastic about the future. The problem with this placement can be that one tends to live in this ‘never-ending story’ and never ventures out beyond the realm of Technicolor to live an adult life and they tend to stay trapped in an eternal childhood. The needs of the Moon in Sagittarius are rather simple – adventure, opportunities, and the ability to expand their mind to the fullest potential.
Moon in the Earth Sign
Moon in Taurus:
The Moon is considered exalted in the sign of Taurus which means that she is comfortably placed in the sign. Since the Moon reflects the way we express our emotions and our security needs there is no other sign that offers stability, structure, and foundation as Taurus. Those with this placement need everything to be sound and secure in order for them to feel emotionally stable, and although life can sometimes bring unexpected changes, this sign of Taurus will often build enough of a “cushion” to keep them from landing into a world of chaos and disorder. Although the Moon in Taurus often lacks spontaneity and grand ambition that can at times appear weak and uninspiring, the comfort and stability of the practical realm of mundane life is the food that this placement feasts on.
Moon in Virgo:
Have you ever met someone that ALWAYS goes out of their way to help others? If so, you have probably encountered someone with the Moon in Virgo. Out of all the lunar placements this one needs to be in service to others. However, although it looks rather altruistic on the surface, the purpose is really much more self-serving than it appears. You see, the Moon in Virgo needs order and ritual in order to feel secure. In achieving this security, it often will find itself in the position of helping and assisting others needs in order to maintain their own equilibrium. After all, if you do everything for everyone than your will avoid feeling disruption which the Moon in Virgo disdains more than anything else. Furthermore, the Moon in Virgo needs to function efficiently. So, an orderly world where everything is dependable in reality provides the necessary security that this placement needs.
Moon in Capricorn:
The Moon in Saturn ruled Capricorn is considered in its detriment because the natural attributes of the sign of Capricorn is not the terrain for emotional displays of affection or personal needs. Capricorn is concerned with accomplishment, commitment, and service. Those with this placement often can appear to be emotionally cold and distant and can often be suspicious of overt and dramatic displays of emotions. Yet, do not think that the Moon in Capricorn is unfeeling as it is often very sensitive to the needs of others, however; it does guard itself from intense emotional sensitivity because of its intense responsibility to love ones which are more important to them than immediately gratifying their own needs. This can sometimes put them at odds with others (especially in relationships) for appearing insensitive, yet the Moon in Capricorn need to accomplish is more important to them than other people’s opinions.
Moon in the Air Signs
Moon in Gemini:
The Moon in Gemini is one of the most interesting of lunar placements because of its need to morph and change based upon the given mood of the moment. The Moon in Gemini is talkative, communicative, and inventive and needs to feel connected to other individuals through the realm of ideas and concepts. In fact, learning from others and verbal communication often trumps emotional commitment and loyalty. Why? Well, the Moon in Gemini is more concerned with being intellectually stimulated which can be rather limiting if one engages with only one individual. Furthermore, the peppy, bright, witty, and sarcastic nature of Moon in Gemini can feel rather superficial to others, however; the food which Gemini needs to eat involves the need to express ones ideals and opinions with others in order to function sufficiently in relationships.
Moon in Libra:
The Moon in Libra is probably the easiest understood of lunar placements. Why? It simply needs relationships. As a result, those with this placement are usually the first ones to attempt to keep the peace and appreciates balance and harmony in its life at all costs. For the Moon in Libra, the world of love and partnership is of utter importance and it needs things to be ethical and fair in order to feel secure and confident with this often volatile landscape. This can lead to a deep desire to cooperate, be diplomatic, and to put others needs before their own. However, the drawback for this placement is that often the ability to make decisions and choices that are firm and reliable can frustrate others, yet Moon in Libra will often give up such individualistic expression in favor of pleasing others.
Moon in Aquarius:
Out of all the lunar placements, the Moon in Aquarius is able to perceive the bigger picture better than the others. This placement is very concerned with social change, higher ideals, high standards, decency and most importantly dignity and integrity. This can often lead to those with this placement to sacrifice their own personal desires in order to achieve a collective ideal or to pursue collective visions. As a result, this can lead to deep ambivalence in emotional encounters because we all need to feel loved and cared for, but this placement often dances to a different beat that involves a larger plan or vision of the future. Since the Moon in Aquarius is so in tune with the collective, it needs a group in order to craft such ideals. Friends, associates, and networking may be a greater necessity than personal relationships.
The Moon in the Water Signs:
Moon in Cancer:
The Moon rules the sign of Cancer which means that she is the strongest and most powerful in this sign since the basic attributes of the sign of the home and family are closely connected to our basic lunar urges. Whether you interpret the Moon as the ability to express ourselves emotionally or you interpret the moon as our security needs, the sign of Cancer with its natural emotional flow provides the Moon with its most favored domain. For those that are born with the Moon in the sign of Cancer, emotional security, warm, and affection are its deepest needs. Of course, the path of least resistance is experiencing this through one’s family. The Moon in Cancer is sympathetic to the emotional needs of others and is capable of great empathy, however; it can often lean towards emotional dependency which can often be suffocating to those around them.
Moon in Scorpio:
The Moon is considered in its fall in the sign of Scorpio. This means that the Moon in this position is weakened and does not have much of an ability to act upon her own behalf. The sign of Scorpio is a battlefield and the intensity which is innate within this sign can make the Moon feel rather insecure. Since the Moon needs security in order to feel safe and develop, it can tend to hide its natural emotional features while in the sign of the serpent. Why? Well, mainly because if one hides their feelings it becomes more difficult for others to hurt them. The Moon being in its fall in this location secretly reveals the powerful emotional intensity that she has when she is in this sign. As a result, she is not only capable of deep instinctive insight into others, but can often have difficulties letting things go if one has acted in a way that fosters a feeling of vulnerability and emotional control. Despite its difficulty in this placement, the Moon in Scorpio needs emotional closeness more than anything else – it just takes some time to find individuals that are capable of earning their trust.
Moon in Pisces:
The Moon in Pisces is probably its most sensitive position because of its need to commit itself to an idealism regardless of how functional that idealism may be. Moreover, this position tends to blur the boundaries between the individual and others and desperately needs an intense bonding experience with those they are involved with. As a result, this can be very difficult to manage and often leads to problems with addictions, depressions, and other dysfunctional codependent behaviors. However, on a more positive note, the Moon in Pisces is highly intuitive and can often channel its ‘dreamy vision’ of life into the helping professions by assisting others by providing them a viable outlet to heal and recover.
Programming Note:
For more information on our ability to discover our true inner needs, listen to the next episode of Keep It Magic.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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