In most corporation or businesses, your staff has received an education. This could either be through traditional training such as college or higher education, workshops and seminars, or just the experience of climbing up the ladder. Regardless of where, we get our street credentials somewhere and these credentials are what build the backbone of a business.
Last month, I introduced the planets in business astrology as your unseen workforce – your planetary staff that assists you in your day to day business activities. This month, I am going to introduce you to the signs of zodiac. However, unlike the traditional view of signs, we are going to view them as the astrological university that your planets go to in order to operate and function the way they do.
So, let’s get the show on the road!
Business Astrology 101 – Astrology University
The Schools of Intuition and Imagination:
The zodiac has three schools of intuition and imagination represented by the element of fire. These schools are called Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These universities emphasize the importance of the imagination as a tool to bring color, drama, and intensity to a business. The planets that attend a fire based university are not really concerned with concrete reality; they are concerned with potential, possibilities, and a vision for the future.
Aries: The traditional keyword for the sign of Aries is “I am”. By nature, the sign is equipped to go out into life and get what it wants because part of the process of self-identity is the ability to conquer difficulties. Any planet that is places in this sign (or school) will express itself with drama, flair, and loves to put up the good fight. This staff member likes to go out into the world and conquer and as a result often is victorious over others. Aries has an enormous amount of drive and determination and loves the thrill of competition and battle. Planets placed in Aries are good to develop in order to take on the competition and to succeed in a competitive market place.
Leo: The traditional keyword for the sign of Leo is “I create”. The sign of Leo is about using creative energies for self-development. As a university, Leo teaches its students about the power of creativity and the ability to take on big ideas and develop them into creative projects that oucustomers will ultimately respond to. This could be through marketing or media, yet regardless everything must be grand theater where the planets in Leo can feel like they are on stage and in control of their audience.
Sagittarius: The last of the fire universities is probably the most volatile. Sagittarius is mutable fire and as a result it is very difficult to contain and more combustible than Aries or Leo. The traditional keyword for Sagittarius is “believe” and this sign has that in spades. Any planet that attends this university will have a difficult time being bound to the limitations of ordinary life. They do not like to be contained by structure and work best when they are free to do whatever they would like. However, do not think that this college is just for wild spirits, it also houses the best classes on philosophy and higher education. As long as these planets are able to seek out new opportunities for your business, they will be happy. However, if you attempt to restrict them too much they can often be very dramatic and unstable.
The Schools of Practical Reality:
The zodiac has three schools which are dedicated to the real world. Although many may view the earth signs as the schools of hard knocks, for Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn the world of form, structure, and reality are important. Amongst the halls of these ancient structures is business viewed from the context of the here and now and the courses that are taught here demand results and direct experience rather than inspiration and imagination.
Taurus: The traditional keyword for the sign of Taurus is “I have”. Every company goes through periods in which they need to accumulate resources. After all, in order for a business to run it has to make money in order to support itself. Taurus is the school where planets go to learn how to obtain resources. Planets that go to Taurus University usually go to school much longer than other universities because developing skills such as patience and practicality often take time, but this school is more concerned with results and common sense rather than potentials.
Virgo: The traditional keyword for the sign of Taurus is “I work”. Every company has a work force – whether that is employees or the management staff. Everyone has a duty that they perform in order for the company to work like a well-oiled machine. Any planet that goes to Virgo U is going to learn how to work in a dutiful, practical, and efficient manner. Although this university is not as glamorous as the fire universities, and often teaches courses learned by civil servants, it is still an important school to help protect our business from world chaos and help maintain stability and a well-grounded infrastructure.
Capricorn: The traditional keyword for the sign of Capricorn is “I utilize”. This school is usually where all the managers and business heads go to learn how to run a business. The headmaster of this school is the planet Saturn, which an older well established individual who has worked hard and achieved much in his life. Therefore, the planets that attend this university take longer to learn their specific tasks because experience is necessary in order to guide a company to success. Often, these planets take longer to lean their particular lessons because the most important factor of this university is making a lasting impact or contribution to the business and society as a whole.
The Schools of Great Ideas and Communication
The zodiac has three schools which are dedicated to the realm of intellectual thought and communication – Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The air universities are concerned with the ability to conceptualize, come up with the plans and strategy, and communication to prospective customers. In many ways, the planets that attend these universities are messengers, the public relationships team, and the sales force.
Gemini: The traditional keyword for the sign of Gemini is “I think”. This school is concerned with words, ideas, concepts, and lots of them. In fact, this university is often where planets go to get their liberal arts degrees – a little bit of everything. Planets that attend this university are concerned with messages, communication, and the ability to express the ideas of the company to the masses. Therefore, these planets are often found in your advertising departments, your communication departments, and if you need to write copy for advertisements they are your guy or gal. However, because they excel at quicksilver thought and intellectual inspiration it is best not to give these planets a desk job because they simply cannot handle being confined to day to day responsibilities. After all, thoughts change rapidly and these planets must keep up with them.
Libra: The traditional keyword for the sign of Libra is “I relate”. This school is concerned with the realm of relationships and partnerships. Every business has relationships with other companies. In fact, part of the ability to do business is the ease of access of other tools, devices, services, and even little sticky notes to make the process of day to day operations easier. The planets that attend this university are skilled in relating to others and creating diplomatic alliance with other companies. You will find these planets in executive positions, project management, and the legal department. After all, in order to make alliances work is through agreements, negotiations, and contracts.
Aquarius: The traditional keyword for the sign of Aquarius is “I’m different”; however, as it relates to business a more appropriate keyword would be “I progress”. The Aquarian school is not concerned with the here and now, it is not concerned with vision or possibilities, nor is it concerned with nurturing staff members or being connected to others. For the most part, Aquarius is concerned with progress and evolving a business into a viable option in an ever changing marketplace. Planets that attend the school of Aquarius are often detached from the rest of the company because they are busy coming up with the next big idea or in research and development developing brilliant new ideals that will take a marketplace by storm. These planets are always on the cutting edge and often their ideas are so complex and evolved that it takes time for the more sober signs (earth or water) to manifest them into practical reality. However, they will continue to invent and evolve because progress is the ultimate goal of the customers who purchase their products.
The Schools of Human Resources and Development
The Zodiac has three schools which handle human resources and crisis development. The schools of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces reflect our interpersonal connections to others and our ability to maneuver through our business feeling connected to those we work with. In many businesses, the department of human resources is devoted to healing problems, conflicts, and abuses of power within an organization. However, the greater purpose of the water universities is to remove obstructions that may cause difficulties within a business.
Cancer: The traditional keyword for Cancer is “I feel”, and it is one of the most emotional sensitive signs of the zodiac rivaled only by Pisces. Although the emotional side of Cancer is extremely important, its rulership over birthing, fertility, and continuity are what is important on the business level. Every business has history that includes how it began, where it is currently, and its projected path into the future and Cancer rules over this aspect of the business. After all, if it were not for the shoulders of those who poured their emotions, blood, tears, and hard work into a business, it simply would not exist. Any planet that attends this university is going to be highly sensitive to the history of the business and the emotional feelings of those involved. Although these planets are more muted (after all Cancer is the sign of the Crab and does not have a voice of its own), their need to protect, nurture, and foster growth are still apparent. Planets that attend Cancer University are often found in creative departments because they are emotionally tuned to the marketplace and now how to birth that vision into tangible results that foster the continuity of the business.
Scorpio: The traditional keyword for Scorpio is “I transform”. True to its nature, the sign is associated with emotional upheavals, intensity, and power. As a business college, the skills that are learned at Scorpio University are often feared by many of the other signs. After all, who really wants to sit down and learn about the darker sides of the human soul which also encompasses the darker side of business? Planets who attend this university are adept in understanding that in order for circumstances to exist they must undergo change which can often be very difficult for the natural Saturnian (rigid and structured) laws of business. You will find those that attend this university often quietly tucked away in corporate boardrooms and investigative teams. They are often responsible for hiring and firing employees and as such are often feared and falsely maligned.
Pisces: The traditional keyword for Pisces is “I imagine”. However, the problem with this sign is that whenever you start to get an understanding of it, it tends to change forms, morphs, and becomes unrecognizable. In fact, very little is known about this university except for the fact that those that attend this college tend to excel in creativity galore so the majority of them are found in the artistic department of a business. Planets that are found in the sign of Pisces will express themselves in a fluid, sensitive, and indirect manner that often perplexes the rest of the employees and its definitely hard to pin them down to deadlines and rigid assignments because they simply cannot embrace the laws of time and reality. However, if you are looking for an incredible advertising campaign, artistic creativity, and marketing genius these students definitely deliver.
Next Month: We will explore the houses of the zodiac and reveal what cubicle your planets sit at.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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