Daily Practices That Improve Your Spiritual Connection
What type of relationship do you have with your higher power (god, goddess, or the universe)?
I will tell you right from the beginning – the level of your happiness is directly proportional to your connection to your spiritual source.
For years, I spent a lot of time wandering around the physical world “acting as if” I had the perfect spiritual life. After all, I had all the head knowledge. I knew the language of Kabbalah and other metaphysical sciences like I knew the English Alphabet. But, I had a little dirty secret – I knew the language, knew the words, I knew how to go through all the motions, but I had not applied the principles to my life. In fact, it took 11 years (and a spiritual awakening guised in a brekadown) to actually begin my REAL spiritual journey and create the actual connection to the light of the creator that I truly desired. I realized that spirituality and my personal connection actually took work, effort, and daily practice.
Now, before you get confused. I am not a saint, I did not grow angel wings, and I have not yet learned to levitate. I (like everyone else) have made some stupid life decisions that were not in my best interest. I still get caught up in obsessive thoughts, anxieties, worries, struggles, battles with my self-defeating behaviors, but what I have learned is that I always have a remedy to these particular problems. Applying these solutions has helped me become truly free.
On April 9, 2013, Jacki Smith and I discussed our daily spiritual practices on our radio show Keep It Magic. During the show we listed the ways we connect to our spiritual source. Here are some of my methods and suggestions – take from them what works for you.
Morning Practices:
For me, the morning is the most important part of my spiritual day. I use this time to recharge and reaffirm my connection with the light. From experience, I have found that the more time I spend in the morning hours focused on spiritual ideals and my connection the better my day is overall. However, this built over time do not expect perfection overnight. I started only doing 10 minutes in the morning and have worked up to over an hour. Use this time to begin a real relationship with the Creator.
Prayer – Prayer is talking to God. This is where I spend time going over the areas of my life that I need help with. It’s where I become centered and grounded. I tend to talk to God like I would a good friend. I let him/her know the areas of my life that are bothering me, my inner aches and pains, and what I would like to achieve. I ask that the Universe watches over me and protects me on a daily basis and that my path or the Universe’s intentions for me are revealed.
Meditation – Meditation is listening to God. I use several different tools to listen to what the light has to say to me. This can be in the form of meditation books, the Bible, the Zohar, or spiritual material from websites, magazines, television, and podcasts can enlighten my and give me the wisdom that I often seek.
Throughout the Day:
At work you take a break when you become mentally exhausted and need to let your mind rest. Even when we work out, often we take a short break to allow our muscles to relax before we begin a new set or begin a new exercise. These principles can be applied to spirituality as well.
Thanksgiving – Let me tell you now, this does not involve a turkey or any dressing. Thanksgiving is a fancy word for gratitude. This is where I give thanks to the Creator for providing me with what I have to work with and the opportunities that I have received to give and share with others.
Daily Tune-Ups – Do you ever go through moments that whatever your best intentions you emotionally react or fall back into destructive behavior patterns? Well, we all go through this. Whenever this happens to me, I take a few minutes to reconnect to the light with a short prayer and then move forward. Also, I make not of this to discuss with the light during my Morning Prayer and meditation activities.
Evening Practices:
Throughout the day we go through a variety of experiences that may test us, push us, and get us to react or just fall into our stinkin’ thinking. During the evening hours (before we retire), I say prayers thanking the Light of the Creator for every experience and opportunity that I have had for the day. Also, I note any areas that bothered me or that I need additional work on.
Doing this right before you go to bed allows this information to work through your unconscious mind while you sleep. Often, I will receive messages from the Light through my dreams which allow me to understand what I may be going through. I can then use information that I received during my prayer and meditation time during the morning hours.
These are just some of my practices. However, I am curious about yours. Leave a comment below and let me know what you do to connect to your source. I know how difficult life can be, and I know that if I can create a connection to the creator, so can you!
For more information on this topic, I have provided a stream to the last episode of Keep It Magic below.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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