You can get a free copy of your business chart on my website. Just input the astrological information for your business as you would your own birthday.
(Business Astrology 101 is a five part series that will be released at the first of each month. My goal is to provide you with a working understanding of your business astrology chart so that you can begin to use it to create effective change in your business)
Did you know that your business has a horoscope? Well, it does!
Did you know that you can use your business horoscope to tell you everything about your business that you would want to know? Well, you can! In fact, the horoscope will tell you when you need to hire people for your business, when you need to reduce spending, when advertising your wares is your best strategy, and when to release products to the public.
In fact, what you do not know is that you have an entire staff that works for you on a daily basis. They work hard and tirelessly providing you with new opportunities to become the success that you are MEANT to be. The good news is that they work for you for FREE!
You Planetary Staff
In a natal horoscope, the planets are archetypes that represent different areas of our lives that we need in order to be well rounded individuals. The Sun reflects our individual identity and our sense of self, Mercury our need to communicate and express ourselves, Venus our need to develop relationships, and Mars our ability to go out into the world to get what we want. In many ways, planets are like actors on a stage that represent inner personalities inside of us that have their own drives and needs.
In a business horoscope, the planets act very similarly. The key is tweaking them to fit a business rather than an individual.
So, let’s meet your planetary staff!
The Chairman of the Board (or CEO):
The Sun – This is the big dude. Nothing gets past or cleared unless it goes through the Sun. He sets the agenda and reflects the person in charge, the owner, chairman of the board, or the CEO. He regulates and gives direction to the rest of the planetary staff.
Public Relations Department:
The Moon – Every company has to sell something in order to be in business. This could be services or a tangible product, but regardless it is the goods and services that we offer to the public that makes a business thrive. The Moon is the head of this department and she reflects how the general public feels about your business and the products you develop.
Department of Communications:
Mercury – The Head of the Department of Communications is ironically the trickster god Mercury. In Greek Mythology, Hermes (Mercury) was the messenger god that delivered messages from the heavens, to earth, to the underworld and back up to the heavens again. In business, Mercury does the same thing he communicates and shares information with all of the other departments as well as delivering data to the CEO in order to effectively run the business. Further, he manages the message of the company to the general public.
Department of Finance and Negotiations:
Venus — Someone has to do the dirty work of counting all that money and Venus is more than happy to do the job. In order for our business to be successful, we need someone to handle what we are spending and the amount of money that we are receiving. Venus keeps the books all nice and tidy! Also, Venus likes to create relationships – relationships with other people, relationships with potential business partners, and investors.
Department of Strategy:
Mars — In order to stay ahead of the game one has to keep an eye on the competition and the marketplace. This job belongs to Mars. Mars goes out into the world and gets the Sun (The CEO) what he wants. Mars gives us the energy and the vitality necessary to create a strategy to compete with all those other lovely businesses that are working hard for money as well. However, Mars will always try to do it a little bit better and he loves to win! So, when it comes to an action plan, Mars is your guy.
Marketing Department:
Jupiter – Although Mercury has to do with getting the message out to the masses, Jupiter is the planet that gives us vision and inspiration to come up with marketing plans that will entice an audience. Jupiter is like Santa Claus – he is the vision guy – but he lets all the wonderful elves do the work. Jupiter has an instinctive knack of knowing exactly what is going to sell and knows the language and the inspired message that will get the marketplace to buy. Further, when we need to expand our business and make it bigger, Jupiter is the guy we go to.
Human Resources:
Saturn – Every business has a human resources department and not everyone likes them. This is why Saturn has no problem running this department. Saturn likes rules and regulations and lots of them. He likes to keep things on the straight and narrow, and tries to temper all that vision that Jupiter has to offer. Saturn likes to keep things real and keep everyone in line. In order for a business to survive, it must have a backbone and Saturn is more than willing to be the spine of the business. At times we all need a dose of reality and a good grounding which is often hard for us to swallow, but necessary for us to achieve our goals and ambitions.
The Offices of “Nobody Knows What the Heck They Are Doing” (aka The Generational Planets)
Department of Innovation and Technology:
Uranus – Uranus is one cool dude. He runs one of the most interesting offices in our business. He is the big huge gigantic ideas guy and if something gets too stale he simply no longer wants to do it. He loves change and he has a great disdain for stagnation. In fact, if things get too stale, Uranus loves to pull the rug out from underneath everyone. He loves to be innovative and he loves to create new things that provide greater value. Uranus is the only planet that seems to be able to understand what those geeky guys in the computer department are doing, so he manages all those bells and whistles, social networks, and keeps us up to date on all the lovely software that keeps our business running.
Department of Fashion and Glamour
Neptune – Every company has a packaging department and sometimes the packaging is more important than the product itself. The office of product packaging belongs to Lady Neptune and she loves to sit at her desk and create mesmerizing images to completely hook customers on our products. Look what she did for Apple. The iPhone may not be the best smart phone on the market, but because of Lady Neptune’s magic, it is the most glamorous. Neptune likes to create feelings – feelings of belonging to a larger collective, feelings of wonder and inspiration, and she loves to weave illusions. Neptune is not necessarily concerned with the truth, because what does that really mean anyways. So, the next time you need to brand a new product and create some lovely packaging that entices a generation – Neptune is your girl!
Department of Regeneration
Pluto: Most companies do not even know that this department exists and they are surely not familiar with that dark hooded dude that runs it. Pluto likes to remain invisible and in his mythology he has an invisible helmet that prevents him from being seen by gods and mortals alike. So, the other departments do not even see him coming, unless he knocks on their door (aspects) with a problem. Pluto has a tough job though and most people do not really like him that much. He forces us to regenerate and change with the times or we face annihilation. In order for companies to survive they must continue to grow, thrive, change, and adapt to the marketplace. Pluto is the dude that listens to a higher power and although he serves the CEO (The Sun), he will often begin to do tricky things like amputate parts of the business if it is for the businesses greater good. So, when Pluto arrives at your office door – listen, the first time!
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book A Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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