The astrology forecast for August 2, 2021 – August 8, 2021, features three planetary aspects (Sun oppose Saturn, Venus trine Uranus, and Sun square Uranus) and a New Moon in fiery Leo. So, it’s another challenging week (although better than the last few weeks), but manageable if you work with the energy.
Last month, Venus and Mars went through the wringer with Saturn and Uranus, and this month it’s Mercury and the Sun’s turn to bat. In August, the saving grace is Jupiter’s return to Aquarius provides a bit of protection that was not available in July.
Just a reminder, Saturn square Uranus is the major astrological aspect of 2021. So, this energy will continue to be triggered by planets making aspects to both juggernauts throughout the year. Saturn reflects the need for protective structures. Uranus signifies the need to shake up the system and usher in innovative ideas and visions that may be more helpful in everyday life. Since the two of them are currently square (obstacles), they tend to polarize one way or the other. We experience extremes, and you will notice that alive and well in our political climate in 2021. The key to working with this aspect is to give life to both sides of the polarity without tearing yourself in two. Finding ways to bring new elements into your life that are progressive and more sustainable overall, while feeling like you are not uprooting your life in an unmanageable way is the objective.
This week, the Sun retriggers Saturn square Uranus, so you may feel anxious and agitated with situations that are going on in your life. You may need to make changes in areas that have become too rigid, or you may need to build structures if things have gotten out of control. But, regardless of the side of the square you land on, finding balance will bring you the most meaning.
Monday, August 2, 2021
We start the week off with the Sun in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius. In astrology, these two planets dislike each other immensely, so frustrations are likely to occur whenever there is a hard aspect between them. You may go through feelings of isolation, alienation, and feeling like the weight of the world has landed on your shoulders. As best as possible, try to meet your personal needs while taking care of your duties and responsibilities to others.
One thing you can bank on, with Sun opposing Saturn, is it will be a low-energy day. So, make sure you get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, move your body, and take care of yourself. Despite what everyone else may think, your needs matter.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Tuesday features a lovely trine between Venus and Uranus, which may be some cosmic relief after the Sun opposes Saturn. Venus trine Uranus reflects the need to shake up relationships by adding excitement and a day of breaking away from routines. Tuesday may be a wonderful date night, going to a concert or movie, and since it is carnival season (all those local and state fairs in August), a bit of fun may be what you need. If you are single, hanging out with friends is always an option. Venus trine Uranus may be the magic elixir that cures your boredom and breaks up daily monotony.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
During the day, the Moon moves through talkative Gemini and forms a lovely trine to Jupiter in Aquarius. It’s an excellent day to communicate with others, strategize, and even collaborate with associates. Anything you put your mind to will likely succeed.
Later in the evening, the Moon moves into Cancer. As such, you may feel more emotional than you usually do, so it’s the perfect time to distract yourself with a bit of pampering and comfort food. Ice cream, anyone?
Thursday, August 5, 2021
The Moon continues to move through Cancer on Thursday and makes beneficial aspects to Mars and Uranus. Mars will boost your energy levels, and Uranus will bring pleasant surprises that may uplift your spirits. It’s also a great day to focus on home, family, and those you love.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Buckle your seat belt because the Sun squares Uranus and turbulence is likely. With Uranus, you can always expect the unexpected, and situations may not go as planned, but being prepared for any snafus may curb your reactions.
On a deeper level, the Sun square Uranus reveals the areas of our lives that may need change. The harder you resist reforming your life, the more disruptive this aspect may be. Thus, it’s a favorable day to look at your life honestly and make changes that will help you in the long run, regardless of how challenging those changes may be. Conversely, avoiding change will only lead to further disruptions and disappointments.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
The weekend begins with the Moon moves through playful Leo, but Saturn threatens to rain on your parade. Therefore, you may experience minor frustrations throughout the day. Don’t let other people steal your joy—press in and press on.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The New Moon this month occurs in fiery Leo on August 8. This New Moon is all about you. It’s an excellent New Moon to do magic and intention work that involves putting yourself in the best light. You can use this energy to get a new job, a promotion, start a new romantic relationship, or even begin new projects. So, during this New Moon, do you, and do it well.
See you next week!
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