So, we have another planet that’s going retrograde.
Yes, I know, after retrograde mania this summer many of you are going through retrograde fatigue, but it’s not over yet.
On October 5th through November 16th, Venus the love planet goes retrograde in Scorpio. And, like her brother Mercury, she can be troublesome, especially in relationships. Do not be surprised if you see relationships breakups on social media. It’s just going to happen, and with Venus being in Scorpio, it’s going to be more intense than normal.
I think the key is attempting to understand how Venus operates and using it as a tool to achieve the results we desire rather than just allowing Venus to do her thing unfettered. So, let’s dive in…
Now, Scorpio is a deeply misunderstood sign. Its symbols (snakes, spiders, crocodiles, and scorpions) are intimidating, and it is difficult for good-natured people to stomach. However, Scorpio is not evil; it just represents the side of human life that most of us would rather not deal with and we attempt to hide this side of life from public view.
One of the primary keywords associated with Scorpio is transformation, which is a tricky word on its own. defines it as a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal, and I feel that this is a telling definition. Scorpio has to do with change and eliminating things that are no longer working by actively working to create something new and more durable. It is a necessary sign that gives us the capacity to have experiences that move us to the next level – even if this is sometimes painful and difficult.
On to Venus…
Venus rules love, money, and values and is the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra. Venus is about peace and harmony with a dash of physical pleasure thrown in for good measure. However, every planet has its dark side, and that is no exception for Venus. When Venus is not working properly in a chart she can be vain, domineering, jealous, conniving, deceitful, treacherous, and a vamp, and I believe we need to understand Venus’s duality to get a full grip on her retrograde cycle.
Signs in astrology are like adjectives. They describe how a planet is going to operate. In watery Scorpio, Venus likes her relationships to be deep, intense, and all-consuming. She is extremely loyal and will often sacrifice her desires to devote herself to her partner fully. She is idealistic and has a particular vision of what love is supposed to be. She seeks relationships that will allow her to grow and develop, even if those relationships are dysfunctional and painful. However, she demands all the same qualities out of her partnerships, and if her partner fails to oblige, she can become dark, possessive, paranoid and jealous. She is fearful of alienation and being abandoned by those she loves, so she will often attempt to bind someone she loves to her, which often leads to its own set of problems.
Now, this isn’t a Venus in Scorpio hater blog, many people with this placement are capable of healthy relationships that are strong and filled with love and makes them a different person as a result of their relationships. But I think that both sides of the placement need to be explored to understand her as a transit and to use her as a tool we can all use to make our relationships better.
Venus Retrograde
Whenever Mercury goes retrograde you get a straightforward list of things that could occur including communication difficulties, avoid signing legal paperwork or documents, avoid buying and selling, the possibility of mechanical problems, schedules go awry and avoid starting anything new.
Rightfully so, Venus has her own set of warnings:
- Avoid getting involved in a permanent relationship. Yes, you will meet people that are exciting, and the sex may be off the chart, but wait and see if you feel the same way about the person after Venus goes direct.
- Avoid engagements. I know, your man (or woman) asking you to marry them is exciting but try to avoid saying yes until Venus goes direct. Frequently, engagements that happen during a Venus retrograde will end.
- Avoid breakups, if you can. This one is the hardest, especially if you are in a dysfunctional relationship. However, breakups that occur during a Venus retrograde (even the most toxic abusive ones) tend to reconcile afterward.
- Avoid getting involved in a new business partnership. In case you did not know, Venus rules Venus partnerships, and business partnerships that begin during a Venus retrograde could quickly end.
- Avoid going to war. Strangely enough, Venus retrograde likes to spawn wars. Since Venus naturally rules the 7th house and Libra, she also governs adversaries and enemies. You may be goaded or baited into going on the offense but avoid doing so. The person that begins the conflict tends to lose. Stay defensive and keep it classy.
- Avoid making any large purchases, financial expenditures or investments. Venus rules money, and you should keep yours in your wallet until Venus goes direct.
Now let’s get into the good stuff:
Remember the deepest issue of Scorpio is one of the most important factors to working with Venus proactively. Venus in Scorpio seeks relationships on a deeper level. What does this mean? Simply put, society has a collective view of relationships. It can be extremely superficial, materially driven, and people often get married for the wrong reasons, such as getting married for material security rather than love. Venus in Scorpio looks for a relationship based on depth of emotional feeling and connection, enduring loyalty and devotion.
While Venus is in retrograde, we first need to review our relationships honestly, and if our expectations about relationships are unreal, unobtainable, or overly idealistic, then problems may begin to occur. We need to view our partners as human beings with all human frailties and imperfections, and we need to allow them to be that way. Sometimes we need to open dialogue with our partners and find out what they need out of the relationship and come to some form compromise so that both parties are happy. In severe cases, couples’ therapy is always an option. Finally, we need to be real about our financial situation and create a financial plan if needed.
These suggestions are to help you avoid some of the more difficult problems associated with the retrograde and by working through the issues proactively you will learn about yourself. You will transform (Scorpio) your relationships into ones that are lasting and are more prepared to take on the struggles of ordinary life.
How Venus Retrograde Affects the Signs
Although Venus rules love and money, she lands in a house in your solar chart. The house is the stage or backdrop for Venus to do her work, so pay attention to the other areas of your life that Venus may influence.
Aries (and Aries rising): Love is a battlefield. That will be your theme throughout Venus retrograde. Intense feelings may erupt that will cause difficulties. Not addressing these problems could cause feelings of suspicion. Conflicts with your friends could happen around October 10th and resolving them proactively could be your best bet. Towards the end of the retrograde cycle, you will have an opportunity to repair relationship difficulties, but it will require compromise.
Taurus (and Taurus rising): Like your Aries neighbor, relationships are under the gun. Although problems are sure to surface, listening to your partner and considering their needs is the simplest resolution. Part of the difficulty may be that you are so busy being focused on your goals and objectives that your partner feels pushed aside. On Halloween, Venus slips into Libra in your solar 6th house, and your relationship with your body will become your focus. Venus in your 6th is a great time to review your fitness program and take care of yourself.
Gemini (and Gemini rising): Make sure to book a spa day during Venus retrograde because you may need a bit of pampering because internal focus will be part of your Venus cycle with your ruler Mercury conjoining Venus on October 15th. You may be forced to make changes to your daily schedule, which could prove annoying. New insights into yourself could prove important around October 26th, and you may need this knowledge when a prior relationship tries to reopen a closed-door around Halloween – proceed with caution. If you are in a relationship, be careful of reacting to shake-ups that occur because old issues may resurface.
Cancer (and Cancer rising): Venus retrograde will transit through your solar 5th house of romance and pleasure. You will begin to question whether your romantic needs are being met or satisfied. Venus in the 5th could lead to some interesting solutions, but at least the sex will be good, especially around October 10th when Venus squares Mars in your 8th house. Difficulties and disagreements with friends could occur towards the end of the month. Try to resolve any problems proactively. Listening to others is always the key.
Leo (and Leo rising): Do you need to do some home repair or redecorating? Beautifying your life could be a major theme throughout the retrograde cycle. You may be interested in doing some interior changes around your home to spruce it up a bit, especially in Venus’ natural abode, the bedroom. Also, relationships may need a bit of remodeling when Venus squares Mars on the 10th. You might want to try spicing things up a bit and do something different or focus the attention on your partner rather than yourself for a change. Relationships at work could prove problematic towards the end of the month.
Virgo (and Virgo rising): Communicating your needs in relationships may prove important with Venus retrograde in your solar 3rd house. Normally, during this transit of Venus, it’s easy to ‘feel the love’ in your daily life, but during Venus retrograde, you may feel disconnected. The best way to resolve this is to reach out to those around you and try to be more social. You may need to express to the people that are important in your life how much you love and need them. Towards the end of the retrograde cycle, you may need to re-examine your values because many of them may have changed.
Libra (and Libra rising): Your relationship with money will be your primary focus throughout this retrograde cycle. Difficult financial news will get you to examine your purchases and whether they are necessary. It is best to keep financial purchases practical through this cycle. Try to circumvent financial negotiations until after Halloween because they may not be favorable for you. Additionally, avoid borrowing money, and you may need to invest in your everyday life. On Halloween, Venus will slide into your solar 1st house, and a little bit of self-focus may be necessary.
Scorpio (and Scorpio rising): Normally, Venus moving through your first house would make you feel social and connected to others, but you may feel the need to isolate yourself during this retrograde cycle. Conflicts with others could easily occur, and you may have little stomach for it, especially with family members. You may feel manipulated by others towards the end of the month, and it’s best that you stand your ground or defend yourself. As Venus returns to your 12th house on the 31st, you may need to reach out to your close friends or siblings to resolve any problems that may occur. Since Venus retrogrades in your sign, you will experience it stronger than everyone else – proceed with caution, but you will understand yourself on a deeper level when it is over.
Sagittarius (and Sagittarius rising): Venus moving through the 12th house is usually one of the best 12th house placements because Venus is naturally exalted. However, Venus retrograde in the 12th can be problematic. Normally, Venus is rather self-sacrificing when moving through the 12th, but Venus retrograde can make you feel victimized by the people you are helping. You may need to set some solid boundaries lest you fall into co-dependent behavior patterns. Towards the end of the month, shakeups may occur that can be difficult to manage, but the resolution of these problems will occur in November. Standing up for your values may be important for you to navigate through this retrograde cycle.
Capricorn (and Capricorn rising): In traditional astrology, the 11th house is the house of hopes and wishes, and with Venus going through the 11th you may feel that luck isn’t on your side and that situations in your life are not working out for you the way you would have liked. Just remember, this cycle is only temporary and before you know it things will turn in your favor. Since the 11th house is also the house of friends and your social network, you may need to do some pruning and decide who holds value in your life and who doesn’t. Later in the month, Venus moves into your 10th house and conflicts may occur at your job. It’s not recommended to be reactive when dealing with others while this placement is active.
Aquarius (and Aquarius rising): Your career is your primary focus during Venus transit through your solar 10th house. You may feel disconnected at your job and question whether your current career path is bringing you joy and contentment. Towards the end of the month, sudden changes in your career may make you feel a bit disoriented and could create unintended conflicts with others. The 10th house is also the house of success, and your self-esteem may take a hit. However, once Venus moves into your solar 9th house, you will begin to see your big picture objectives once again, which will release some of the pressure. Stay in a goal-oriented mindset.
Pisces (and Pisces rising): Normally, Venus moving through your 9th house encourages personal growth through your relationships. You would feel that your love experience is opening new horizons. However, with Venus retrograde, your difficulties in relationships or finances may make it difficult to get beyond your day-to-day life to experience something life altering. Venus retrograde in the 9th could make you feel frustrated and uninspired. On Halloween, Venus will slip into your 8th house, and you may need to revise your credit strategies or repair any damage. Be careful of overly expressing rigid opinions that do not consider other people’s points of view. If you do, people may feel alienated from you and cut off communication.
Looking for personalized insight into your Venus retrograde cycle? You can schedule a consultation with me at anytime or use my on demand service.
© 2018 Storm Cestavani | Storm Cestavani, LLC
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